Okay most of my spring wardrobe consists of yellow and navy with neutrals (white/grey/khaki/black) mixed in. I want a fun bag in a playful color, but I also don't want to look juvinielle (sp?). What do you think, which color is better? Or do I just stick with white?
I really like the blue bag. I'm thinking of getting a bag in a similar color for spring... (Rebecca MAM in blue violet) I think it will give your outfits an extra "pop".
The blue is nice, but it does strike me as a little young, now that you mention it. I'm also thinking that blue might clash with navy.
Even though yellow is sort of the fad color now, I think it's probably going to work better with your color pallette. The only thing it might not work with is khaki.
I like the blue bag and I don't think it is too young looking. I also am a big fan of white leather bags, so maybe you need two bags
Me too FP, I LOVE white leather bag for summer. I've been trying to curb my craving saying it's not practical with the kids...but I may skip any other bag all together and get this MJ one (sorry forthe HUGE pic)
I love them all! I think the blue one is great, the yellow looks a little awkward to hold. Overall I like the white best but would worry about staining.
I have a hayden harnett bag in that blue color, but haven't used it nearly as much as the patent gucci bag I bought last year:
As you know, white bags can get dirty easily (hence the patent for me -- I can at least wipe it off) the only thing about patent leather is it absorbs color if you sit it on anything (magazines, etc.) I have a few tiny color marks on the bottom of mine, but they're not noticable. Just another idea if you decide to go with white...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Of these choices, I would stick with the white (the first white one). The yellow does look too hard to carry. The blue is a pretty color on its own, but in this bag (I think due to the stitching) the color looks really washed out to me, which makes it look cheap, and therefore potentially juvenile. Unless it's really in your budget, I wouldn't spend MJ prices on a white untreated leather bag. Something that's wipe-able like patent or treated to look like a skin or something would be a different story.