I only have about three pairs of jeans that really fit well, so I bought this pair of Paige jeans for myself.
My mom bought me Frederic Fekkai Baby Blonde shampoo and conditioner as an early Christmas present. (I guess it's been discontinued? If I like it, I'll have to buy another set at Target)
+ a sweater from J.Crew for my Dad (can't find a picture) and this book for my SIL
-- Edited by wetbandit42 at 12:21, 2007-12-17
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
hi girls! it's been a while, but i went on a shopping bender today... it's def. worth a post! it's my first paif of CL's... woo hoo! for a bunch of boots i have.
not usually a bebe fan, but got stuff anyways...
these in brown
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
My dad gave me a $25 Bath and Body Works gift card that he won at his company Christmas Party! I also had a $10 off of $30 or more coupon. This is what I got: I also got a little ornament and still have a bit left on the gift card!
I just realized last week that I owned exactly one sweater that wasn't beige, gray, black, or ivory. Hence last week's J. Crew spicy mustard argyle and now this week's bright poppy Dream shawl-collar sweater.
These for Christmas (from BF...well, I bought them, put them under the tree, and BF will pay me back) to wear as house slippers. Yes, I know, $100+ house slippers that were on Oprah's favorite things.
And some refilling of basics from Fresh. I am obsessed with Sugar Lip Gloss...
Well, I haven't posted here in a while..... I stopped by the ever popular Ross, and picked up 5 dresses for $39.00. I even got a discount ($4.33) of some kind, b/c the lines at Ross lastnight were just atrocious!!! :(
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".