Went thrifting last night with a friend and was amazingly disappointed...usually I leave there with a ton of fabulous stuff...I'm thinking that since the last Wednesday/50%off was last week, they were just emptied out. :(
Anyhow: 1 dark green Geiger wool jacket (it's a euro thing!) for $1.99 1 black bebe suit jacket $2.99 1 red sweater vest for the boy $0.99 a bunch of movies 5 for $2 a bunch of magazines 10 for $1 a bunch of books 4 for $1 toys!!!! this huge airplane thing that my son fell in LOVE with, plus 3 Little People toys
I just bought a T3 Featherweight hair dryer! I bought it "buy it now" off of Ebay. The seller is cbbeauty. The total with shipping was $119.35...not bad since it retails for $200!
Two shirts that don't seem to be on the Target website. One for me, the other for my sister for Christmas.
For my nephew:
Both of these for my husband:
For my sister-in-law, who requested "smell good candles and stuff":
I was disappointed that the iPod Classics don't come in pink (I got one as an early Christmas gift from my husband) so I had to fix that by getting myself this case: And pink earbuds too Also got some other Christmas gifts this week: football, binoculars, wallet, nightgown, a toy set for my one year old niece.
I did find one at Urban Outfitters but its oversized and I don't think its exactly like yours: http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&navAction=jump&id=13390414&search=true&color=60