This is kind of gross, so I'll apologize in advance.
Our dog has had really bad diarrhea for the past month and a half. We took her to the vet and he gave her medicine, but that made her sick, so we had to stop. We've tried rice diets, pepto, a stronger version of pepto from the vet and nothing works. She was better for a few days and then it started again.
She messes on the carpets when we're away at work. Sometimes, she steps in it and drags it all over the house and onto the bed, furniture, etc. It's disgusting. And honestly, it's starting to make me crazy. The last thing I want to do when I come home from work is clean the carpets- (every. single. day.).
She still has a healthy appetite and isn't acting sick otherwise. Any ideas? HELP!!!
I know alot of people that have put there dogs on all natural whole foods diets. I think that *Twinkle* does ? You should ask her the name of the website...
I think you need to go back to the vet or find a new vet. That is not normal, and the medicine s/he gave her shouldn't make her worse.
Sully has a lot of stomach problems, and we give him food for sensitive stomachs (natural balance potato & duck), but you can also put them on a prescription diet.
If your dog is having continuous diarrhea, she is getting very little nutrients from her food, so I would have the vet run some tests ASAP.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I agree w/HB - I would find a new vet. It concerns me that they haven't run any more tests on your dog to find out what's really wrong, because that's not normal. Take her to a new vet asap. I hope she's ok.
just wanted to add that my dog had bad diarrhea for a few weeks, we called the vet and they said there was a virus going around and they have had alot of calls about it. She said not to bother coming in to get checked, to just have my dog eat plain white rice and plain chicken.
I have a small dog (shih tzu) and we never feed him human food, but it really seemed to help his diarrhea, it cleared up after a few days and hasnt been back since
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
When my dog has diarrhea, I stop feeding her dog food and feed her scrambled eggs. My vet told me to do this so that's always worked for me. I've also heard that a couple of tablespoons of pure pumpkin is very good for stopping diarrhea.
try making hamburger and rice. She needs bland food right now. Also, switch vets. I went through this with Boo except he was vomiting daily. Eventually, I switched him to all organic dog food. He has been fine ever since.
eta: My vet was extremely rude to me during this time and just bled me of all of my money without ever finding a solution. I still have $1000s in cc debt from this. It turned out that doing research on dog foods is what helped Boo Boo. His purportedly all natural pet smart food was no better than me buying grocery store brands. I switched to California Natural. It's more expensive but worth it.
I've also heard that a couple of tablespoons of pure pumpkin is very good for stopping diarrhea.
this does work really well -- my stepmom uses this all of the time. My vet also recommends a little bit (1 tb) of cottage cheese for upset stomachs. But it sounds like your puppy has a chronic problem. Science Diet makes a prescription formula, but you will have to get it from the vet. I hope your puppy feels better!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I've also heard that a couple of tablespoons of pure pumpkin is very good for stopping diarrhea.
This definitely works, Cheese used to get the runs all the time as a puppy and this really worked. When he gets sick now I mix some into his regular food and it works 100% of the time.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I've also heard that a couple of tablespoons of pure pumpkin is very good for stopping diarrhea.
this does work really well -- my stepmom uses this all of the time.
This is going to be a really stupid question, but do you just buy a pumpkin and scoop some out or do they sell cans of pure pumpkin? Traci got sick last night too :(
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Thanks, everyone. We're trying the rice/chicken/hamburger diet for about the 50th time. She's been okay for the past day and a half or so, but that's kind of the pattern. I think I'll try the pumpkin thing, too.
On a side note, my mom's dog has been having issues for the past few days, too.Sick puppies everywhere.
Kenzie - has your pup been tested for intestinal parasites recently? You might also want to contact a (new!) vet about ways to help rehydrate, since that can be a big concern with extended diarrhea too.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}