Everyone, and I mean everyone, I know is getting engaged all of a sudden! I think that I may now have six weddings to go to next year (all of which will involve plane flights). It is freaking me out because my boyfriend and I have been dating longer than most of the people I know who are getting engaged. And here's the thing: I actually do not want to be engaged at all! I am 100% committed to my boyfriend and our future (as is he), but I'm just not in a life stage right now where it makes sense to be planning a wedding or taking that sort of step. But now I feel all this social pressure! I wish I could make it stop, but I know that this is just the beginning of the tide of engagements. Can anyone sympathize?!
Oh ya. I am a few years out of college which is the age for everyone to get married. I was in a wedding this past weekend and I have another wedding this weekend. At one point my fridge had 5 wedding invitations and like 8 shower invitations. I'm going broke in the process!! I have been with my bf for over 3 years and we aren't at the engagement stage yet either. Everyone keeps asking and I pretty much want to tell them its none of their business! So I can definitely sympathize. I feel like everyone getting married has been together less than my bf and me too.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Half of my friends are getting engaged and meanwhile, I've been with my BF for over 6 years. People who started dating years after we did have gotten married on us! Heck, people have married and divorced in the time we've been together.
We're totally committed to each other and we just bought a place together but we're just in no position (mostly financial) to be having a wedding at the moment. I'm fine with that and I'm thankful that neither of our families or most of our friends have been bugging us about it.
ETA: At the last bridal shower I attended, all the other ladies kept asking me when BF and I would get engaged. I tried to explain myself and said "but we just bought a house together! That's more expensive than any ring I'd ever wear." The mother of the bride still said "but don't forget the ring!"
Yup, its definitely the age for me. In the past three years went from having many, many single girlfriends to have none back home. I had five weddings this year and three next year. Its like one minute married friends were few and far between to now, they are all married.
I have to admit, I miss having single girlfriends (as I am single, currently : ))
honestly i can barely take anyone seriously when they tell me they are engaged anymore. 3 couples i know have gotten "engaged" only to hate each other very shortly afterwards. i guess i am very old fashioned about marriage, but it is a lifelong commitment to me (barring unforseen circumstances).
I can totally relate! This weekend my bf casually told me that he is so not ready for marriage, maybe in another 10 years, he said. Meanwhile everyone I know is getting married, and they keep saying things like "you guys are next". The other day I was on hold on the phone with my bank and TWICE I had to listen to a song that all my friends used when they marched down the aisle (not "here comes the bride" but similar).
honestly i can barely take anyone seriously when they tell me they are engaged anymore. 3 couples i know have gotten "engaged" only to hate each other very shortly afterwards. i guess i am very old fashioned about marriage, but it is a lifelong commitment to me (barring unforseen circumstances).
Oh my goodness!! I thought I was the only one!! It gets so old hearing everyone ask all the time!! I swear every single family function we go to it is brought up!! My boyfriend and I have been together two years and everyone keeps asking when are you getting engaged, you're next, etc!! AHH!!
All my friends are getting engaged. BF and I have been together for 5 years now and we're both emotionally ready but not financially ready. His mom mentioned how his sister was talking about engagement rings (his sister has been dating her BF for less time, is three years younger, and her BF is still in school) and I made a comment about how I would be upset if they got engaged before us. I told a friend about it and she was appalled. I know that I would be happy for them, but my intial reaction would definitely be sadness/being upset. What are other people's feelings on similar situations?
I think it just comes with a certain age group you fall in. I have to admit that most of my friends have gotten engaged or married, or well on their way to becoming engaged and married. but I am also "guilty". It's just the age. but I have to say, both FI and I were wedding'ed out this summer as we were both in a bridal party for our friends who held 3 receptions. On top of that we had another 4 weddings (but one had to be missed since it was on the same day as another one). I think we should enjoy it while it lasts as a good time to celebrate with friends. Because next thing you know will be BABY SHOWERS and then we'll hardly be able to spend time with friends anymore. So far my count is 2 preggers friends, 1 who is trying, and 1 new mama.
I think it just comes with a certain age group you fall in. I have to admit that most of my friends have gotten engaged or married, or well on their way to becoming engaged and married. but I am also "guilty". It's just the age. but I have to say, both FI and I were wedding'ed out this summer as we were both in a bridal party for our friends who held 3 receptions. On top of that we had another 4 weddings (but one had to be missed since it was on the same day as another one). I think we should enjoy it while it lasts as a good time to celebrate with friends. Because next thing you know will be BABY SHOWERS and then we'll hardly be able to spend time with friends anymore. So far my count is 2 preggers friends, 1 who is trying, and 1 new mama.
Don't worry you all that are not married. People are never going to be happy anyway!
I dated my husband for 6 years before we got married and heard from people ALL THE TIME about how we needed to hurry up. Once we were financially ready we did get married.
Then it starts with the babies. People around you always try to rush you into things. We have been married since '99 and I really have no desire to have a child. I love kids, but right now I think I would be fine with not having one. One of my friends from highschool that I see once a year or so cracks me up. Every single time I see her she will look at me and say "Oh do you have any kids yet?" then I say no and she gives me the most pathetic look like I just found out I have some terminal disease or something and says "Oh, but how long have you been married?"! It is so funny! Every time it never fails. I laughed and told my husband next time I see her I am going to say "Hi. Yeah I have been married (insert number) years and have decided I am never giving birth. Have a great day" That would surely shut her up!
Just do your own thing on your own time table. It is better to have it right than to rush into things like people do sometimes and regret it later.
Littlebean you are going to be out alot of money! I hate when everything happens at the same time.