This isn't really a relationship post but its personal. I am usually a really positive person but right now I am feeling so depressed.
I have gotten myself into a bit of financial trouble and its really upsetting me. Without going into too much detail, I made an error with my EI earlier this year when I was unemployed and long story short... I have to pay the government about $2000. It was completely my fault and I feel awful about it. Now I'm so depressed because it seems like such a daunting amount of money that I don't have at the moment. My mom and bf have been great, offering their support and loaning me the money to cover it. But I'm just so so sad that it happened at all and embarrassed that I made such a foolish error. I feel like as soon as I have a plan to get ahead (i've been trying to plan for saving money for my brother's wedding trip back in the other thread), save money and pay off all my debt; something happens to set me back again. My mom will lend me as much as I need to cover it (and the wedding trip too) but I feel so sad about having to borrow money from my parents when I am almost 30. I feel like I should be more responsible for myself at this age. This year has just been such a disaster for me. This time last year, my ex left; then I lost my job, had to move yadda yadda. I've really tired my best to stay positive and not let it get me down. But I just wonder when will it end? I can't possibly keep having such bad luck, can I? Anyone have any advice on staying positive when times are tough? How can I turn things around?
I hear you! All I do is think about how great it will be for me and my daughters in the future. Right now we live with my parents while I am going to school. I might be working a low paying job right now at only part-time, but after I graduate I will be able to afford so much more. The lifestyle I'm living now will pay off big time in a few years!
So I guess what I am saying is don't dwell on the negative stuff, and keep in mind that the future will be better.
I feel your pain, sister. I'm currently failing statistics, if i dont pass i cant apply to my major, then i cant start the required courses and basically I'll be a semester behind, all because of frickin stats. Who uses this shit, anyway? So don't feel like your alone, because you definitely arent. And don't be embaressed about making a mistake. It's called a mistake for a reason, right?
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
This might sound a little silly, but when I am down I set aside some time each day to do something to make myself feel better/happy. It can just be something simple like having hot chocolate with marshmallow, playing with my cat, singing along with the radio/i pod.
Don't be too hard on yourself, we all get into tough situations.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I just wanted to tell you that you are so not alone. When I read your post, I could have written it myself. I have had a very similar year, so I just wanted you to know, I can totally relate. I got laid off from my job back in May too, and after that everything just spiraled downward. My boyfriend's hours cut got at his job, we had just moved into a newer apartment and now can't afford it, my new job pays significantly less, and we have just a series of bad things happen to us, especially regarding money. I can't tell you how many times I've thought, ok with this paycheck, I can get all caught up, and then something happens to set me back again. I have had to borrow money from my parents too and I'm 27. Up until this point, I never had to borrow from them and could always take care of myself, so I walk around with constant guilt about it because I feel like a loser. I know no one thinks that of me, but I just hate having to depend on anyone else.
I definitely have my moments where I feel so lost and depressed, and I'm a really positive, upbeat person too. This has probably been the worst year of my life. All I can tell you is, when you feel yourself start to get down and dwell about everything - pull yourself out of it. Distract yourself with other things, so you don't think about it. That's what I do and it usually works. I just keep telling myself it has to get better - it can't get any worse. It helps that I have a really supportive boyfriend and family too (sounds like you do too).
Anyhow, I just wanted you to know you weren't alone, and feel free to PM me if you want to talk further. Hang in there sweetie.
I feel you. My parents still offer to pay for my groceries when I come home even though I'm 29 and an uber-professional. The sad part is that they only offer because they know I could use any little bit they offer. I do not make a lot of money, especially considering all the law school debt I've racked up. I mean I can handle my own bills and all that but I know that if anything goes (car, computer, etc.), my tentative house of cards could all come crumbling down.
If I think about it too much, I'll get crazy depressed, especially since there doesn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, at least not at the near end of the tunnel. So I don't think about it. I budget like crazy and then go a little crazy sometimes and I let that be that. Pretty much everyone I know is in the same boat, so at least I know I'm not alone. We can't all be in debt forever can we? I just hold tight that one day I'll win the lottery and this will all be behind me. (Note to self: start playing lottery.)
This is going to seem new agey, but two things come to mind in terms of staying positive:
1. Staying in the present moment; in other words, awareness/mindfulness. We are not our thoughts, our experiences, our sufferings, our goals. Try to notice when your thoughts are running away with you and get yourself back to the now. As Ram Dass said, "Be here now."
Most of us are worrying about the future or drowning in the past or both. We're constantly making judgements (about ourselves and others), assupmptions, holding resentments based on imaginary things...we should stop.
Observe the now and try to sync with it or at least be more open to it. Runners sometimes talk about achieving a "runner's high" and some call it being "in the zone" or an alpha state - people who meditate are after this mindful state.
2. Gratitude exercises. It sounds lame and Oprahish, but it is helpful. And being in the moment helps train us to appreciate what we have, what is going on around us instead of in our own heads.
We have a breeze in the air and a really comfortable chair. We have people in our lives who wish us well. We have good physical health, beautiful music, an adorable pet, and so on. Being content is really good medicine, too. A few years ago there was a cool study that showed people who experience gratitude for what they have tend to be more optimistic, more energetic, less depressed and stressed out.
Every person alive has something to be grateful for...sure, we all want more of something but we need to be conscious of appreciating what we have, too.
1. Meet with a money manger/financial advisor. (Credit unions usually offer this) I find that having a very clear cut plan and spending allowence takes alot of the stress out of being broke. At least you know where your money is and where it is going. For me alot of the stress comes from feeling overwhelmed with where my finances are at.
2. Stick to the budget. Whatever that may be. Its hard, it sucks BUT it will help you from making poor desicions that can result in further stress and lack of $$. It also has taught me to be more appreciative/grateful for the things I already have.
Well, you are not alone. I am in a similar boat, not a debt issue, but something else that is humbling and depressing. I am 32 and I always imagined I would be so completely together at this age. I think you will be okay, you have a good support system with close family and supportive friends and significant other. I don't have this, so I just have to pretend that I will find some later on! As for advice, just keep looking forward and consider the life lesson a blessing, better learned now than later, right?
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld