Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can spend my lunch breaks? I HATE to waste them by just sitting at my desk, but I have a hard time trying to think of alternatives. I usually go to lunch once or twice a week w/ coworkers, but I try not to eat out, or eat at the cafeteria too often because it's a lot of money and not very healthy.
There's a gym at my work, but it seems like a lot of effort to work out, shower, re-apply all my make-up and dry my hair.
Unfortunately I am stuck at work. We don't have a lunch room and I work in a fairly industrial area so I am stuck at my desk. There is no where for me to go window shop or go sit out. And since I'm stuck taking my lunch at my desk, everyone assumes I am still willing to keep working. Like I should still be answering the phone and emails while I eat. It sucks.
I don't have any suggestions for you, I just needed to rant a little.
I rarely leave for a lunch break. Unless I have to run an errand relating to work, I try to eat a snack really quick so I can get back to work.
Maybe you could bring a book and read outside? That sounds nice!
I know my SIL occasionaly takes walks, she seems to love it and it isnt to high impact so it doesnt destroy your makeup or make you have to take a shower.
Walks are a good idea - get some exercise so you don't have to later. Or I run errands by work. Get nails done, drycleaning, random shopping, mail letters etc
I usually eat in 4 out of the 5 days (eat on on Fridays), w/a few of my girlfriends. If not, I eat alone, read magazines, or go sit in my car, talk on my cell phn. LOL I like the walking idea myself, they have a trail around my bldg., so I might do that too, to get SOME exercise in.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I live really close to work, so I can go home and relax for a while over lunch, if I'm not too busy. Most of the time I work through lunch (and check ST). When it gets cooler, I usually wander off somewhere alone and read. It's much too hot most of the year to do that but right now it's perfect.
I use my lunch for just about everything -from walking to paying bills. If I have a lot to do I try and sneak my food before lunch so I have the full hour to get things done.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
I also wanted to add that I do a lot of random miscellaneous things on my lunch break, such as make out my grocery list and plan out my menus, pay bills (I bank mostly online but I have a private area where I can do more personal stuff online) or surf the internet (I am allowed on the internet during my break time only). I work at night, but when I worked during the day, I would also run errands--go to the drugstore or post office, etc.
Do you want to leave the building completely for the hour, or just leave your desk?
Maybe it makes sense to go to the cafeteria with your book (or your bills and checkbook) and just get a cup of tea or coffee. (Can you bring your lunch to the cafeteria and eat, or will they look at you strangely?)
Or sit with coworkers and chitchat, just to look like a team player.
What Metric says is sort of how we do things too - if you're here, you're basically "working," even if you're eating or surfing the 'net. If someone doesn't want to be asked to do something, then they go away and eat. But most of the time nobody minds. We do enough goofing off that I figure it all balances out...
I'm on my feet all day, so when it's my lunch hour, I sit down! Usually it's watch tv (usually Gilmore Girls, ugh, I cannot stand that show...every character has to talk super fast and rant!) or gossip with coworkers.