I ordered these two pairs of shoes from zappos this morning. The first pair is a really dark brown suede. The second pair is to replace a strappy formal shoe in the same color. It must have stayed at the hotel the last time I did formal out of town.
Also bought these shoes in a bronzy brown satin on the weekend.
little bean: they are bliss boots by miss sixty. here is the url for them on nordstrom if you want to see if they can do a locator for you. they are on sale cheap! ($84.90!)
Can't find pics of anything...but two skirts off the clearance rack at target for $4.99 each. At that price you can't say no! The Batman Halloween costume for my son (I still need to find a batgirl one for myself), several toys for the boy, and some method air purifiers and candles...also clearanced.
Oh me, oh my, I stopped by Ross last night, spent almost $100 up in there. I purchased either 3 or 4 dresses, 2 skirt suits, and 1 pr. of pants. I said I was going to chill out until my trip to FL, but man. Ross is always having a sale. I go back in a couple of days, and what I saw earlier in the week, is cheaper. I love it! LOL
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
This Mario Badescu kit Veronica Mars Season 3! I bought these Hollywould for Target shoes too, but I might take them back. Silver glitter keeps falling off.
-- Edited by wetbandit42 at 17:44, 2007-10-25
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus