Okay, this is probably half-assing it, but I'm brain dead when it comes to good costume ideas AND those stupid pre-packaged costumes aren't worth the money they cost. Not to mention they fit horribly too.
So my idea started out as sort of sexy escaped prisoner, but that got killed when the pre-packaged costume didn't work. Sooooo, now I'm just thinking escaped deranged convict. What do you think of this stuff for the costume?:
(This or some other sort of black mini......Mostly because I like mini skirts ) -Black tights (with a few holes maybe?) -My black flat boots (sorry, just can't do heels when I'm drinking!) -Crazy hair -Lots of dark eye makeup -Handcuffs hanging off one wrist -Maybe adding a temporary prisoner number to the back of the tee?
I would love to find a black & white striped tee dress, but that seems to be impossible at the moment.
I know, not that great, but I guess at least it's more creative than just buying a pre-packaged one. I think.
I think it sounds pretty cute. I think you should look at pictures of Bellatrix LeStrange from Harry Potter to get ideas for your hair, for some reason that is the mental image I got when I was reading your post. Those pre-packaged costumes always look so cheap anyways, and being that I live in a college town, I was happy to see that you are wearing actual clothes, and not some sort of bra and underwear combination for your costume!
I think it's cute! Of course, I'm not sure I should be trusted. I'm going as Oscar De La Hoya in drag (basically lingerie - respectable lingerie though - and boxing gloves).
cute idea!!! How about adding a ball and chain? several tattoos?
Hehe, I actually have 4 real tattoos , although they'll be covered up by the clothing. I'm thinking I'm also going to add some twigs & leaves to my hair (like I've been running through the woods during my escape) and a cut or 2 on myself.
I think it sounds pretty cute. I think you should look at pictures of Bellatrix LeStrange from Harry Potter to get ideas for your hair, for some reason that is the mental image I got when I was reading your post. Those pre-packaged costumes always look so cheap anyways, and being that I live in a college town, I was happy to see that you are wearing actual clothes, and not some sort of bra and underwear combination for your costume!
-- Edited by emery at 16:10, 2007-10-07
Funny you mention Bellatrix, since that's kind of who I was thinking of for the hair! I also live in a college town, so I totally understand the whole lingerie thing every other girl does. Gotta say I'm happy I'll be going to the gay club for my Halloween fun, lol