this bracelet from ebay. been wanting a black bracelet with rhinestones, but most of the ones i wanted from ebay were $$$ bakelite. since i'm not a jewelry snob, i'm ok with plastic!
(super cute on - wearing it with wide leg pants like you girls suggested)
had to jump on the bandwagon
Ordered these to get over $50 for free shipping but they're backordered until October. Unfortunately I didn't realize that fact until I already ordered them. Maybe they'll be great? But I'll most likely return them when they finally! get here.
So I had kind of a big shopping weekend that went through Monday....
My favorite purchase of the year....
They are amazin and beautiful and more than I ever expected from a boot. I haven't regretted the price yet and I've gotten so many compliments it's ridiculous! and i'm not sure how to spell ridiculous.... Both from urban...wore them with the new boots and it looked SMASHING...i'm kind of full of myself today...sorry 'bout that....
A staple...
more to come!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
I got these because I thought they'd look cute with jeans, plus they were only $29 shipped from endless. And the other flats I have from this brand and the MOST COMFORTABLE flats ever. Usually flats hurt my feet so I'm excited to have some casual ones I can wear on the weekend that don't hurt.