So far just this Missoni scarf for the upcoming cold weather (borrowed pic from ebay). Picture doesn't do it justice, it's quite chic when bunched and wrapped up.
I haven't shopped all month so I'm going to do some labor day weekend shopping and will be sure to post here when I'm done :)
__________________ One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
i really love all of those shoes, zg4! (Esp the joies!) i have been super bad lately (hence the ebaying frenzy, lol, and more to come).
i bid on these and lost on ebay, but emailed the seller saying if the buyer flakes i would love them. yay for flakey bidders! (thanks to collette for the sizing help!)
and ordered these on sunday when there was a glitch on anthro's website showing everything 40% off. (then charging me full price! - i would have posted about it but they told me they wouldn't honor the discount) finally complained and they honored it! yay! so these:
hehe that's because their employee appreciation is going on now.....
BTW: you can't ever have too many wrap dresses. You should see my collection!
Yes the dress is from Target. Here is the link:
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
I was extremely bad yesterday. After these all arrive I'm taking a break from shopping for a while!
For two weddings we have this fall:
For work, except for the gold sandals and clutch, which I'm wearing with the above dress (FH and I are the same height so I try to avoid high heels at these things):
but in black (they're herringbone]
but in pinecone, a dark red
and finally a bathing suit for the one time i'll get to go swimming before it's too cold! in green
*eta* shoot, i can't get the pictures to work...i copied the image and then have the tags on either side. i don't know why it's not working!
And then, why why did I not know about the fabulousness that is the Marc Jacobs accessory store in NYC before? I think I may go back today lots of fun stuff for gifts and cheap CHEAP (Oh and my 'lucky begger' change purse from MoMA'):