I'm helping out my friend who lost her job recently. She sells Lia Sophia jewelry in her spare time and on weekends to make some extra cash, so I told her I'd try to help her out as much as I could. I like the jewelry, but it's not like it's Tiffany or something. More like what you'd get at the dep't store or something, but it has a lifetime guarantee. The new catalog is just now coming out, and I found lot of cute stuff that was similar to what I just saw in the Bloomie's catalog. The more expensive stuff is in the Kiam, Ibiza, and Rue Royale catalogs.
Please check out the Fall '07 catalogs and let me know if there's something you want to order. I figure now's the time to start hoarding for X-mas and stuff. Oh, and the special (I *think*) is buy 3 get 2 half off PLUS get 3 more for half off (MOST EXPENSIVE ARE THE HALF OFF ITEMS). Thanks so much, girls! I know my friend will appreciate anything!
Just for the hell of it, here's Paris at a Lia Sophia party:
and Eva Longoria put several pieces into bridesmaid goody bags: And I found this tidbit of info that I didn't know, but I guess it explains why some of the pieces looked familiar to me:
lia sophia is high quality designer inspired costume jewelry. Designers such as Bulgari, Tiffany & Co., Gucci, Cartier, Judith Jack, David Yurman, Brighton and many celebrities have designed pieces exclusively for lia sophia.