I've wanted these shoes for almost a year now! Finally found a good deal on them.
Piperlime has them on sale for $60 in my size, I ordered from endless.com so they 110% pricematched and subtracted the $5 they do for overnight shipping so I got them for $50!
i have this in the tank top version and LOVE it. I really wanted the black in a medium, but its sold out everywhere, so i got the grey small for $83 from tobi.com. A lot better than $350!
NFA, those Delmans are going to make you SO happy! After all the discussion of calves and boots I sort of fell into a boot hunt. Scored these Fryes from 6pm.com with an extra 10% off from Websquare so I saved....tada.... $157!!!!! Very cool.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I bought a Calphalon 6 qt. braiser and 12" omlette pan at Bloomie's for my new place. I was being so practical and saintly by not buying anything I didn't need and that wasn't fashion related.
And then I bought these for about 1/2 off. Yeah, i really did just buy a condo, but I NEEDED them.
(they're for a wedding I have to attend in September)
I went to the Nordstrom sale and finally got some Frye Villagers! And a few dresses On sale in the store for $129 This dress but in a black and purple print This BCBG sweater jacket, it has pocket in the front but the pic doesn't show it