My sister bought the baby the big Pooh in this picture. (I couldn't find a better picture of it).
She also bought me the same MP3 player I already had to replace the one I broke. She doesn't believe in birthday surprises so she just gave it to me early.
These 2 books
and finally my MIL bought me this from Target along with a musical giraffe that I couldn't find a pic of
Still on shopping ban, but went on a brief hiatus cuz I really needed some wedges, and I lucked out on some awesome deals!
Macys: $25 I guess these JS shoes are still too new to find online, I searched and searched and couldnt find a picture, they were only $50 during the Macy's Fall Preview Sale. The super ashy flash on my crappy camera give the shoes no justice, they're a soft suede dark black.
$12$24 Brown Bedford bag for $65 I've been wanting for a while now Puma outlet (I got them for 1/2 of what DH got his ) Some tanks in Yellow/Gray, Red/Gray, Navy/Gray similar to these from ON, but from GAP, same difference...
ttara: you are bra-lady extraordinaire! i am almost imagining a closet just for bras alone!
ha! you should see my closet! It is absolutely ridiculous. I love my bras waaaaay too much...sometimes I feel weird posting them in shopping threads because they are underwear after all, but they're so pretty and it's what spend the most money on, so.... I can't help myself
Okay, here is a major haul for just a day and a half, at least for me!:
Finally made it to Steve & Barry's so see SJP's Bitten line:
mini skirt and long belt to wrap around twice (does anyone else have this belt? I discovered when I got home that there aren't any holes for the buckle! I guess I could punch my own, but it seems so weird....)
in white and pink:
with the Cincinnati skyline (do they have different shirts for every major city, I wonder?)
you can't really see it, but there are dandelions on here:
ETA: and these...
Edited Again! To add custom order from Etsy that's finally done:
Edited: I'm almost ashamed to add more to this list, but... in blue: and:
Okay! Shopping spree ENDED! I have got to give this credit card a *rest*....but with graduation presents and my recent raise, it was so easy to splurge....
-- Edited by ttara123 at 18:05, 2007-07-24
-- Edited by ttara123 at 18:06, 2007-07-24
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
and another one of these: in black. I said I would stop, but I loved it so much and today the black showed up on figleaves for only $15.70....there was no way I could pass that deal up.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 23:42, 2007-07-25
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
it's july, which means i'm already OVER summer and so ready to start shopping for fall... ;)
so far i've just picked up these cheapy items -
these are darker in person, not so pistachio colored
and i also got a few things from the nordstrom anniversary sale, which arrived today -
lord knows i do not need anymore shoes... but it's truly a sickness.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings