from Old Navy: for $14. I promise it's much cuter on. from Target: and some misc. groceries... I also got a cropped khaki trench and a pair of Johnson-inspired shorts at Ross.
but seriously, just Harry Potter, which I already finished and am dying to discuss with people.
You're a fast reader, lk! I also bought this, but I'm nowhere near finished. I was a very bad girl though, and I looked at the back. I couldn't help myself! Now I'm mad at myself for ruining the ending!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
Just a wide green satin headband (looks awesome on my dark brown hair!) and a blue headband with ribbon tails - to replace the one that I just ruined on the got lotion all over it and ruined the fabric *grrrr*
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
A new blackberry - The white pearl. My last bberry died after two years of faithful service...
jah, do you like your BlackBerry? I am contemplating the 8830.
I LOVE my bberry. I am one of those addicted "crackberries". Anyway, I had the 7100t (*I think) prior to the Pearl. I dropped the phone at least 2 times a day for almost two years. It was really strong. The other thing I like about the bberry is that you can set up to 10 email addresses on the device. I also have enterprise service, so it is linked to my work email.
The 8830 is awesome. It is a CDMA phone with "true" international roaming capability (previously reserved primarily to GSM service/phones in areas like Europe, etc.), but the best thing is the GPS. I seriously think it is the best phone on the market (and this includes the iPhone - no GPS chip in the iPhone).
Oh, one more thing... the phone has really easy to use menus and the flow is really intuitive. It is an easy phone to learn about in terms of bells and whistles without having to break out a user manual.