just wondering if anyone ordered or is planning to order one of these bags? they aren't available in stores yet, but you can find them on target's site and order.
i ordered the clutch purse in the gunmetal and gold, just to see which i liked better. they already arrived, and i'm not sure. they are so much bigger than i expected! they're cute, but i don't know if i'd really use them--has anyone else seen them yet and have opinions about them? do you think the faux snakeskin looks cheapie?
I saw the little clutch/pouchette thing with shoulder strap. It did not look like it should cost $30 in my opinion. I guess you're paying more for the Devi Kroell name than a regular Target clutch.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
I saw them in-store the other day, and I have to say, I was not impressed. I was really looking forward to the hobo bag, but I thought it looked and felt cheap in person. Plus, it was much larger than I thought it would be.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
I saw the totes last week and it felt really plasticky. I didn't think it *looked* that plasticky though. I don't know...the stuff was alright, but I wouldn't pay for the name markup. I felt the designs were basic and safe as well.