For no specific occasion, but they're marked down super low, and I think I'll get a lot of use out of them during the summer. Which one do you like the best and think would go with almost everything?
Kelly Green Ribbon Jet Black Ribbon Hot Pink Ribbon
I think pink goes with a surprising number of colors. I can only think of a few that it doesn't go with - but as an accent ribbon, I pretty much think it could go with most every color and would be a lot more fun than black
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
littlebean/relrel, they're from Rita Wilcox, and they're $15, down from $39, I think. I ended up not getting it afterall, I figured w/2 yr old DD and all those summer picnics, I would get it real dirty, real fast.
I have the black and the pink and then a two of the seersuckers ones. They are just from last year that is why they are marked down. They are really cute in person and made very well. If you are worried about the white getting dirty, you might like the seersucker ones instead.