pros: -it is stunning! -i love dresses! -i have money in my paypal account almost enough to cover it -i have been thinking about it for two weeks
cons: -for the price of this dress, i could get several other items! -would have to get it hemmed (but not so much i would lose all the detailing at the bottom - just most of the olive at the bottom)
okay, i just measured a dress of mine with a length i like, and i will have to get less hemmed than thought! i sent a message to the seller with an offer. (i sent an offer before, and she countered it...but let's hope this one goes through) i don't know if she's bluffing or not when she said she received another offer of the same as my original. (for reference, i offered $150..i have 140 in my paypal, and raised my max to 175...)
definitely go for it! you'd be hard pressed to find it again in your size!
ok, you are right! i just haggled with the seller and while it was a wee bit more than i wanted to spend, it is hard finding pieces from this designer in my size. (i see a lot of 2s and 4s on ebay, not so much on the 10s!)