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Kate Spade

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RE: Are you Odd?
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Farrah wrote:

I am super odd and it is nice to know that I am not alone. Here are some of mine:

-I HATE the Dave Matthews Band. While I do not consider this odd and just a musical preference all of my college friends have assured me that this is an extremely alien thought.
-I love 80's hair bands. I cannot get enough of them.

Farrah, I too hate the Dave Matthews Band with.a.passion.  I really have to turn the radio off and curse and swear at them everytime they come on.  I also have Sirius and listen mostly to the 80's station.  I really love 80's music...except REO Speedway...vomit.
Other weird things:
-I make lists for everything all the time, even when I'm not stressed.  Like if I have to laundry I make a list at work to do laundry, and then I actually put "fold" like I'm going to do laundry and forget to dry and fold it.
-I do the door thing too weird I kind of tug on it a few times to convince myself that it's locked.  Sometimes I'll walk a little to my car and have to go back and check it just to be sure.  That's a bit of the OCD coming out I think though.
-I always have to take something from the back when I go shopping.  Especially food shopping, I'll take the box from the back (grocery stores rotate their stock to put the freshest at the back).  Also, when I go clothes shopping I'll often carry a shirt around and then before purchasing it, I'll go back to get a "fresh" one.  I freak out when there's not another one in my size.

That's all I can think of right now.  But I'm sure there are much more.

-- Edited by nunzi182 at 20:07, 2007-03-18


Kate Spade

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needsfashionadvice wrote:

shopchicago33 wrote:

Speaking of food, sometimes meat makes me nauseous. I do eat meat, but I go through spurts, where the look or taste of it makes me want to vomit. I could be eating a chicken breast and take one bite and all of sudden feel sick.

On on offshot of that, my meat always has to be cut up in very small pieces in order for me to eat it - big chunks of meat gross me out. Can you tell I have issues w/meat? Maybe I should be a vegetarian!

I'm the same way about meat. I'm fine with small chunks or even ground beef but large chunks of meat or chicken gross me out. Also, if any of the chicken fat wasn't cut off and I chew some, I have to spit it out and I can't eat anything else because I get too naseous. I hate beef fat as well but it doesn't make me sick like chicken fat.

I can't be a vegetarian though because I love fish and shellfish too much!

This is exactly why I've been a vegetarian for over half my life! I have a big thing about food texture. I've also never been able to separate the meat from the animal and when I did it meat (last time was age 13), I liked really processed meat like chicken tenders.

Speaking of animals, I talk to my dog all the time. He is very smart and figures out phrases quickly, so I taught him "math". If I ask him what 1 + 1 is, he will lick my hand twice. He knows 3 or 4 equations. I'm not crazy enough to think he can actually add...Also, I taught him yes/no with licking. So if I say "Do you want to take a bath?" he will lick my hand once which means no, then he'll hide under the bed for awhile. If I say "Do you want to go for a walk?" he licks my hand twice which means yes. This makes me sound really crazy, but it's just a repitition I said, he seems to memorize phrases easily.  Also, I taught him to give hugs and I taught him "poor baby". When I say this, he rubs his eyes with his paws.



Kate Spade

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Farrah- I am with you on the 80's hair bands! I still love Nikki Sixx even though he is really old and I am married!! LOL!!!

I have to check my appliances atleast 10 times when I leave the house to make sure I have not left them on. I also do the same with locking all the doors to the house.

I have to have my shoes perfectly lined up in my closet. I even have a special spot for my monkey house shoes where they must be placed when I put on my other shoes before leaving the house. If they are not in order I will feel unorganized all day.

I hate the smell of beef cooking or red meat. I also hate the thought of going to a seafood place and picking out the living creature that I am going to murder for my dinner. This has led me to only eating chicken, which I am trying to give up also eventually.


Marc Jacobs

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I also hold my pen strange.

When I get a grilled cheese when I am out, I rub the pickles that come with it on the bread to get the pickle taste on there. I won't eat the pickles, but I like the pickle taste on my grilled cheese.

I hate to reuse a fork between dishes. I will wipe it on my napkin, I won't lick it clean. At a buffet I ask for a new fork every time.

Ferrets creep the bejesus out of me.

I can not, will not drink milk, or anything runny like milk (especially melty ice cream) I have to have my cake and ice cream on seperate plates at birthday parties.

I hate having my finger nails filed by others. I have to resist putting them in my mouth to get rid of the nail dust (gross, I know).

That's it for now.




Kate Spade

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greendiamond wrote:

I also hold my pen strange.

When I get a grilled cheese when I am out, I rub the pickles that come with it on the bread to get the pickle taste on there. I won't eat the pickles, but I like the pickle taste on my grilled cheese.

I hate to reuse a fork between dishes. I will wipe it on my napkin, I won't lick it clean. At a buffet I ask for a new fork every time.



I hold my pen wrong, too. I also tie my shoes wrong (or so I've been told). I had to learn to tie my shoes by myself because my kindergarten teacher gave me a "needs improvement" in shoe tying. I remember feeling like I better figure this out before my parents see my report card.

I prefer my grilled cheese sandwiches with sliced pickles.

I am actually grossed out at restaurants when I see people licking their forks clean. Therefore, I always wipe them off.  


Dooney & Bourke

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fairlight wrote:

I am anal about magazines.  I always reach for a "fresh" untouched issue from the back of the rack because I hate when my covers get bent.   The worst is the salesperson who starts leafing through it and wrinkling the pages while ringing it up. Gah!

Also, exchanging saliva makes me want to hurl.  Mexican restaurants are my worst nightmare.  When they sit down one bowl of salsa for 6 people to double dip their chips into I freak out.  I always fake that I have a cold and don't want to pass it around, and ask for an extra bowl.  It took me about 6 months to share drinking out of the same straw with FH! 

I do the exact same things with magazines and the salsa at restaurants.

In addition, I refuse to eat anything blue.  I read somewhere that there isn't a natural food in the universe that is blue (blueberries don't count as they are actually purple/black) and since then I have't been able to eat anything blue.  When they replaced the brown M&Ms with blue ones, I was very upset.  My friends used to go to a bar where they would drink a blue drink and it would freak me out.  

Toothpicks make me wanna gag.  If I see them at a quickie restaurant on a counter, I can't eat after that point. 

I also check my shower whenever I get home to make sure no one is in it (I used to check under my bed/in my closet, but I got over that).

I also check my door lock multiple times whenever I leave the house.   

I need all the bottles in my shower to be lined up perfectly and facing in one direction.

I will only use solid colored towels.  Anything with a print I refuse to use.  I prefer white, but in a pinch will use another color as long as it does not have a print.

Whenever I land in a plane, the wheels must touch down when I am counting and at 99.  It is best if this happens the fifth time I am counting to 99.  I will pause dramatically before hitting 99, just to make sure I am thinking 99 when the wheels hit. 

I think that is it...



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I have OCD, so I could probably write volumes on my weird habits. Excluding my OCD behaviors, which are not really healthy and therefore not worth celebrating:

-I love to sleep. I love naps, sleeping in, etc. But I don't like going to bed early.
-I would rather read than do just about anything else.
-I hate drinking out of glasses at restaurants. I can't deal unless I have a straw. Which is why I never order wine.
-I modify songs to include my dogs' names and sing to them, loudly, whenever possible. Not one or two songs, either. I have at least 20 in my repertoire.
-I can't stand people touching me, with the exception of my immediate family. I don't even like to shake hands.
-I will not eat macaroni and cheese (homemade or boxed) without ketchup.
-I carry chapstick with me everywhere. Like, not even in my purse -- it's in my pocket, or next to me if I am sleeping. I also stock up with spares in case it runs out or I somehow lose it.
-I don't really listen to music at all -- never have. I occasionally put my ipod on in the car (but I prefer news radio), and sometimes listen when cleaning, but I have very little interest otherwise. I could go the rest of my life without buying CDs. I think I just do this to get new songs to sing, because...
-I love to sing and am completely, utterly awful at it. I am totally tone deaf, but at home I sing constantly.

"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde

Marc Jacobs

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halleybird wrote:

I have OCD, so I could probably write volumes on my weird habits. Excluding my OCD behaviors, which are not really healthy and therefore not worth celebrating:

-I modify songs to include my dogs' names and sing to them, loudly, whenever possible. Not one or two songs, either. I have at least 20 in my repertoire.
-I can't stand people touching me, with the exception of my immediate family. I don't even like to shake hands.

Ha!!  The BF and I make up songs for Vinny all of the time.  Some are popular songs that we have modified and others are originals.  My BF is especially good at this.  Vinny looooves it when we sing to him.

I also had a MAJOR aversion to being touched, but I have gotten a lot better.  I was really bad before I met my BF though.  My friends used to get mad at me because they would want to hug me and I would dodge the hug by putting one arm around them and patting their back twice (while making sure that they weren't touching me).  They called it "the pat": they hated it. HA!!!
Oh yeah, I thought of one more: I do not and will not chew gum.  I think that it is a dsigusting and filthy habit.  Of course, I don't give a crap if my loved ones or friends chew it.  It is just off limits for moi.

-- Edited by Farrah at 15:19, 2007-03-22


"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln


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Farrah wrote:

Oh yeah, I thought of one more: I do not and will not chew gum.  I think that it is a dsigusting and filthy habit.  Of course, I don't give a crap if my loved ones or friends chew it.  It is just off limits for moi.

-- Edited by Farrah at 15:19, 2007-03-22

Oh I'm the same way!  I actually will chew it when I'm in the car on a long trip or something, but never where I will see people or be talking to people.

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. -Epictetus

Dooney & Bourke

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lol Collette that really made me laugh about the ATM in spanish thing. Too funny. The stare out thing with the dog is pretty good too dangergirl.

I used to be a non food toucher but have somehow converted to a food mixer...although I'm not sure exactly when that happened. Maybe it's because DH was always mixing foods together when he cooked that turned out to be great dishes? DH and I like pickle/peanut butter sandwiches....and yes we've been eating those since before I was pregnant lol. I also duck while driving into parking garages lol. I also check my locked door a thousand times. Not just the house but my car door too lol. I also wake up to turn over. I also hate having leftover time on the drives me crazy. I also make up songs about whatever I'm doing...only at home though. I sing them to the dog and now to the baby. I guess my brother does this too because I've noticed his little girl does it lol.

What's the deal with these people ruining us on eggs? I wouldn't eat eggs for years because I was told that. My mother still talks about how mad it made her for someone to tell me that. This must have crossed over for meat too. I wouldn't eat meat for years because I'm an animal lover and all I could think of when I saw it was the dead animal. My aunt was really strict and forced me to eat a hamburger once while we were literally made me so sick I threw up several times. It took many years but I can eat almost any meat now as long as there is no pink at all. Also I don't like to look at fish while I'm eating. my mom says that's wierd but I can't help just grosses me out.

I used to make my bed everyday...since I wake up to turn really all I did was pull the covers up to my pillow when I got up. DH on the other hand never made his bed. It used to drive me crazy for him to get in bed and the covers to be sideways or wherever. I would like rush ahead of him before we got in bed to make it so we could go to sleep lol. I don't know how I got cured of this either but even though I still mostly make the bed before we go to sleep....I can actually sleep if for some reason I don't get to it lol. I never realized how many odd things he's cured me of until this thread lol....and I can't even remember how he did it lol. Sneaky sneaky...thanks guys LOL

The only other thing I can think of that isn't mentioned is when I can't sleep I multiply in my head.

My brother also does the holding your pen thing....I'm curious those of you who do...are you lefties?

-- Edited by luckyclover at 19:25, 2007-03-25

"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."

Dooney & Bourke

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Heatherlynn-the water in the coffee cup thing...that just means you'd make an excellent talk show host right? lol

"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."


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luckyclover wrote:
My brother also does the holding your pen thing....I'm curious those of you who do...are you lefties?

I'm a 100% righty. My left hand is an appendage useful only for typing.

I'd like to add myself to the group of food mixers. I love mixing food on my plate and creating funky combs...I think syrup tastes REALLY good with sausage.


Kenneth Cole

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I am literally laughing my head off right now at these posts......we mat just have some of the funniest women in the world on this blog haha

I have a horrible habit of saying "windmeals" instead of "windmills" my kids have caught on..poor things

I have actually had clean laundry that I didn't want to fold so I threw them back in the washer. Oh and I like the look of folded laundry on my dryer..

I tap the steering wheel sometimes when I am driving everytime I pass the yellow line on the road

I CANNOT stand socks. ANy kind..I just literally hate them. I wear them when I have to...but take off them IMMEDIATLY when I get home.

awww there are so many more ;)

"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
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