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RE: Are you Odd?
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- I have to lotion my feet every night before I sleep. I seriously cannot fall asleep unless I've thorougly lotioned my feet. often times I wake up in the middle of the night to lotion them again.

- when i get a box of chocolates I bite into each chocolate and put the otehr half back in the box. I do this until I have a box full of half-eatedn chocolates. then I go back and eat them based after I can see what's inside each one.

- Ocassionally I'll feel like a glass of wine, but the few wine glasses we have are dirty and Im too lazy to wash ill drink wine out of a coffee mug or something.

- I will go to great lengths to avoid saying hi to coworkers and neighbors that I don't like. Like, pretending to be talking on my cell phone, or looking for something in my purse when I see them.

- I have to have a bra on at all times. The only times i take off my bra is to shower or have sex. Thats it. I even have bras for sleeping in.

- I have to weigh myself every single day or I freak out. I've even been so crazy as to buy a scale while on vacation so that I could weigh myself (or call the hotel and ask them if they have one available.)


Kate Spade

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Ha!  I love this thread!

-I can't look at a ceiling fan while it's moving or the trees passing by while I'm riding in the car or it makes my nose hurt
-Me and my twin sister have something we call the "homey"'s not a good thing.  If I start getting that feeling (usually at home, it's just like a wave of feeling...maybe anxiety or something) I have to pinch myself or put on my shoes...she's the exact same way about it.
-I also make lists for everything...but I NEVER check things off of them.  I don't know why I even make them, it's just something I have to do.
-I hate to arrive at a door or elevator the same time as someone.  I'll stand back or walk really slow so they can be good and gone when I get there.

I know there's more..I'll edit later I'm sure



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love this thread.

I tear out those crazy inserts from the maz. They get on my nerves for some reason.

 opposite to cortney1982
  I go barefoot in the house and outside all year long even in the freezing cold but I do keep my feet lotioned all the time.

I love mixing my ranch style beans with mac and cheese..yummy



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Kitty wrote:

- I will go to great lengths to avoid saying hi to coworkers and neighbors that I don't like. Like, pretending to be talking on my cell phone, or looking for something in my purse when I see them.

I'm also a HUGE fan of this, Kitty! Especially the purse-rummaging, because that way you can avoid talking AND eye contact!


Kate Spade

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I put words in alphabetical order in my head

I constantly dig under my nails w/ my other nails b/c I feel like there's stuff under them




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LOL! This poll had me cracking me up at work, so I thought I'd wait till tonight to answer it. Here are mine:

*When I get out of the shower, even tho' there's a rug right there, and one by the sink, I HAVE to step out on a towel. I just DON'T like the way it feels under my feet
*I hate to get my feet wet, like if I step in water that's spilled on the floor, it makes my skin crawl
*I usually wear houseshoes around the house, I rarely go barefoot
*Hot sauce on my popcorn, Joe and I LOVE it that way
*Same thing about the microwave, IF I see that there is time left on it, it drives me crazy. I'll reset it at home, and at work, I don't care. LOL

I'm sure there's more, but these are the ones I could think of.

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This thread is hilarious, I love reading about people's quirks!

Like others have posted, I'm also weird about magazines. I have to take one that's behind others so I know it's a "fresh" copy. Also, I am very sensitive to scents, and so I rip all the perfume samples out of a mag before I can read it, as well as all the subscription cards (no, those don't smell, but they annoy me.) I also get really annoyed when I'm at Sephora and someone next to me sprays a perfume tester in my general direction without caring that I'm right next to them, and it gets on me.

I don't care if the food on my plate touches, but my boyfriend picks on me for what he calls "eating in circles." I like to have one bite of each thing, then repeat, until all the food is gone. I'd never finish all of one food on my plate before moving on to the next thing.

Like Kitty, if I see someone I don't want to talk to I'll also pretend to be digging in my purse or be on my phone.

Oh, and I don't think this is weird but other people seem to -- I like breakfast so much, I could eat it for almost any meal. I'd like nothing better than to come home at night and eat belgian waffles and bacon, but my boyfriend gets tired of it!

That's all I can think of for now....



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I know I was thinking about this the other day, but now I can barely remember what I decided my quirks are!

Like Kitty, I am always in a bra except for showering and sex. I have specific bras that I sleep in that have a wider band so they're more comfortable.

I'm not afraid of heights, but I avoid them. If I'm standing on the ledge of a tall building looking down or something, my legs will get shooting pains up the back. I have to step away because it hurts so badly.

I hate mouth noises. I can handle if people are chewing something really crunchy, but anything that has even a slight "moist" sound, I can't stand. And I HATE the noises that old ladies make with their mouths. I don't know what it is. Maybe dentures? But even driving my grandma around I want to kill myself with the noises she makes constantly. It's not just her. So many old people do it, and it drives me nuts.

I love plain food, and will modify food served to me to make it that way, like taking all extra dressings off of hamburgers or picking the onions out of a vegetable side dish. I always end up with a little pile on my plate of things I've rejected. I'm not a very good cook for other people because I always make things pretty boring. Sometimes my dinner will just be baked chicken breast with salt.


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123


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cahabo wrote:

 and I have to sniff cups and do a quick touch check for cleanliness.

At stores I cannot take the front items. It has to be a few from behind. Something hopefully that is untouched and if it is clothes, something not tried on yet.

Ha!  I just realize I sniff my cups too!  I know they are clean but still...

I also will not take the milk that is in front.  I'll grab the one behind it.  You know how sometimes people will abondon carts with groceries in it, so maybe a milk was in it for a good while before they put it back.  Also I do this with candy, chips, and cookies.  Just in case a germy kid was grabbing it and maybe breaking some pieces and the mom put it back.


Dooney & Bourke

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I cannot stand to hear people smack their food. I want to smack them in the head ... even strangers in restaurants.

I don't like any other waffles except Eggo and I only put enough syrup on them to fill the holes.

Like some of you others, I am a non-food toucher. I also only eat one food at a time. Collette -- I too love the word "meschino".

I get major goosebumps and my teeth hurt when I hear ice grinding or scraping. I have them now just thinking about it.

I really really don't like feeling wet food. My FH always leaves food on his plate when he puts it in the sink and it makes me nauseous to have to clean the plate after the food is all soggy and gross. Bread is the worst. I swear he does this bec. he likes to see me freak out.

If I am talking to someone and they use improper grammar, I correct them in my head.

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Kenneth Cole

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Kitty wrote:

- I will go to great lengths to avoid saying hi to coworkers and neighbors that I don't like. Like, pretending to be talking on my cell phone, or looking for something in my purse when I see them.

I do this same thing.  If I'm somewhere in public and see someone that I don't like/don't want to make pleasantries with I will do my best to avoid them.  Like ducking into the nearest store at the mall, or if I'm somewhere like Target I'll go down the nearest aisle and pretend to be studying something immensely. 

I hate it when there is time left on the microwave and it is not cleared out. 

I have to sleep WITH socks on.  My feet are like icecaps. 

I can not stand for there to be water splashed around the bathroom/kitchen sink.  DH has had to learn that after he shaves, he has to wipe the water off the counter.  I don't know why this bothers me so much. 



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Misty's post reminded me of this:

- I can't stand to watch people bite into popsicles or ice cream cones. The thought of it even bothers me. I don't understand how people can do this and it's not painful for them. i have to leave the room when my boyfriend eats popsicles because he literally just chews them..Ack!!!



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great thread.

I have a saying i use often, "everyone is f'ed up in their own special way"

when i was young, i had a thing with my food touching and eating one thing at a time, but the food touching doesn't bother me so much anymore.  I still do tend to eat one food at a time though, and i save my favorite for last. 

the next two things are more superstitious but can fall into the odd category, I guess...

I have had some instances of knowing things before they happen, one of which was a car accident when i was a kid.  Ever since then, if i get a thought in my head of something bad happening, I have to acknowledge it as a premonition so it doesn't happen.  If i don't acknowledge it as a premonition the bad thing that flashed in my head may happen.

when I condition my hair, I finger comb the conditioner though, and I roll the hair left on my hands into a little ball to throw away after the shower (to keep the hair from covering/clogging the drain.) I have a thing about tossing it in the wastebasket, and if i miss the basket, it can be an indicator of a bad day to come. like I started the day on the wrong foot or something.

I also choose merchandise that is less handled by taking the magazine from the back, or the newer milk from the back.

strange, I know... again, we are all f'ed up in our own special way

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase

Kenneth Cole

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How fun! Here are mine:

- I absolutly CAN NOT wear anything around my waist that has elastic. It makes me physically sick. Along with this, I can not wear anything remotly tight around my waist anything above my belly button. Again, it makes me physically sick.

- I love, love, love the feeling of falling. (Tower of Terror at Disney MGM is my favorite ride!) but I am scared to death of hights.

- The sound of chewing makes me want to scratch the eyes out of the person doing the chewing. Same goes for gum smacking.

- If I could get rid of one group of people in this world, excluding the obvious evils, it would be cheerleaders. I hate them with a passion! "Like, oh my god, give me an "A" (No offense)

- If I find a song I like I play it over and over until I am sick of it. It drives everyone around me nuts.

That's all I can think of for now.



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Just like D, when I'm eating a meal, and there are several items on my plate, I always save my favorite for last.  Sometimes I get nervous though that I'll be too full to eat it by the time I'm done w/everything else!

Speaking of food, sometimes meat makes me nauseous.  I do eat meat, but I go through spurts, where the look or taste of it makes me want to vomit.  I could be eating a chicken breast and take one bite and all of sudden feel sick.

On on offshot of that, my meat always has to be cut up in very small pieces in order for me to eat it - big chunks of meat gross me out.  Can you tell I have issues w/meat?  Maybe I should be a vegetarian!

Like a lot of you girls, I always have to take things from the back - magazines, books, clothing, at the grocery store.  I like fresh items that haven't been touched.

I screen a lot of phone calls - on my cell phone and even at work.  It's bad, but if I get an unexpected phone call, sometimes I like the person to leave a voicemail (so I know what they want) and then I call them back.  I have no clue why I do this.  And I don't do it if I'm expecting a call or to my boyfriend or really good friends.

That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there are more.  Great thread


Kate Spade

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shopchicago33 wrote:

Speaking of food, sometimes meat makes me nauseous.  I do eat meat, but I go through spurts, where the look or taste of it makes me want to vomit.  I could be eating a chicken breast and take one bite and all of sudden feel sick.

On on offshot of that, my meat always has to be cut up in very small pieces in order for me to eat it - big chunks of meat gross me out.  Can you tell I have issues w/meat?  Maybe I should be a vegetarian!

I'm the same way about meat.  I'm fine with small chunks or even ground beef but large chunks of meat or chicken gross me out.  Also, if any of the chicken fat wasn't cut off and I chew some, I have to spit it out and I can't eat anything else because I get too naseous.  I hate beef fat as well but it doesn't make me sick like chicken fat.

I can't be a  vegetarian though because I love fish and shellfish too much!



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Ya'll are strange.  I'm totally normal.




Or not.    I have some odd quirks too.

I HATE when the toilet paper hangs under the bottom of the roll instead of over the top.  I just fixed the toilet paper roll in the bathroom at work today because of this.

I hate escalators.  I'm trying to get over this, but they terrify me.  And it's worse when I'm going up an escalator than when I'm going down.  I always just get scared that I'm going to pass out or something and keel over backwards, knock down all the people behind me and then fall off onto the floor below.  Not only would I die, but it'd be really embarrassing.  This is seriously the logic that goes through my head on an escalator.  I even get short of breath and queasy feeling and my knuckles are usually white from gripping the hand-rail.  It's bad.

ttara123 wrote:
I hate mouth noises. I can handle if people are chewing something really crunchy, but anything that has even a slight "moist" sound, I can't stand. And I HATE the noises that old ladies make with their mouths. I don't know what it is. Maybe dentures? But even driving my grandma around I want to kill myself with the noises she makes constantly. It's not just her. So many old people do it, and it drives me nuts.

I know those exact sounds and I hate them too.  I especially hate when someone is tasting a food and like trying to identify what ingredients are in it.  There's a specific thing that people do involving their tongue and their teeth and this awful smacking noise they make when they're trying to identify a taste and it is officially the Worst Sound in the World.  Oh, and one time I heard my grandmother belch and I almost threw up.  "Old Lady Belch" may be the second worst sound in the world.

ETA:  I thought of another one.  I eat one thing at a time on my plate.  So if there's like salmon, mashed potatoes, and a veggie, I eat the veggies until that's gone, then the salmon until that's gone, then the mashed potatoes until they're gone.

-- Edited by NCshopper at 10:58, 2007-03-17


Kenneth Cole

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This is great! Here are some of mine:
1. When I was living at home, I talked to my dog constantly and everytime I sang a song, I would make it about her. Now, when I speak to my mom on the phone, I make her put the phone next to my dog so I can talk to her.
2. I am a big "googler." I think I have googled almost everyone I know.
3. I can't eat or drink anything that has a "buy by" date that passed, even if it was yesterday. I just consider it as the expiration date. I mean, who's ever bought something ON the buy by date?
4. I am a recovering food-separater. As a kid, I was really bad, but now, only certain things can't be mixed together, like anything and mashed potatoes. My uncle is disgusting. He will mix anything and everything, like he will put his dessert on his dinner plate when there is still dinner on it. He will also pour soda in his wine glass when there's still wine in it. On holidays, I always try not to sit near him because it will ruin my meal.


Kate Spade

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reading these has reminded me of more things!

D wrote:
i save my favorite for last. 

i do this too, to make sure that the last thing i taste is the best bit.
i also have to sleep with socks on, and i need more than just a sheet over me, it doesn't feel like i'm in bed otherwise


Marc Jacobs

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my shower gel and lotion have to match scent wise.  i try my best to use them at the same pace making sure i can throw them both away empty.  if i have extra shower gel, i tell butthead to use it up.  same with the lotion.

i have to use every last drop of anything before the container goes in the trash.

i like the feeling of throwing things away, after they are used of course. 

at my office i use both sides of the paper; i'll make the leftover side a fax cover sheet or find some sort of use for it. 

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
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