Thanks for the review Erin. I might have to try it in a small and a medium just to see how it fits on me. Good to know about the boob cups--I wasn't sure if they were really structured or not and it was kinda tough to tell online. It sounds more like it's a tank with some detailing there as opposed to a bustier-like top.
Erin, what's the fit of this shirt like? It looks adorable and I totally want it, but it's hard to get a sense of what it really looks like online. How long is it?
ncshopper - it's really cute in person! it's not structured like it appears online and it is kind of a soft (but not sheer) cotton. since there are no molded cups, it doesn't cut off my boobs in a weird place. the contrast stitching doesn't go below them for me (i don't know if i am describing this right) but it doesn't look weird and i don't mind it (i am almost a 36DD, though). i am wearing it today, so i can't measure it, but i can say i am 5'2" and it comes well below my hip. here is a picture of me in it! (note: it is not so low i need a shirt underneath, but i have hammy arms)
ETA: i think it runs big. this is the large, and i would have prefered the medium, but it wouldn't have fit my chest i don't think. (it blouses a little in the back where it's tied)
And I found the perfect kitchen table set on craigslist at a great deal! We're picking it up today...I'm so excited, MIL's set is an old hand me down and really ugly.
i stopped at King of Prussia tonight on my way to Lancaster, PA. i was a bad bad girl...
here's what i ended up with... DVF wide leg trousers in navy- i am in LOVE with these pants!!! these Kors shoes. i am thinking about taking these back though b/c i'm not sure i would wear them with enough stuff to justify the cost... any enablers out there to convince me otherwise??? and a really cute kelly green and white striped short sleeve button down blouse to wear with my new wide leg navy trousers in the BP department at Nordstroms. I can't seem to find a pic online for it though. oh- and earlier this week i got this from the sale. i hope it works. i've been working out like a fiend and thought i could pull it off... we shall see
I reeeeeeally shouldn't be shopping, but I did some this week and last weekend. Here's what I got so far:
And a bunch of wine from my favorite local winery and some stuff to make spring jewelry. I'm trying to get back into the jewelry design thing and I'm going with a different asthetic this time.
and some pj tops from VS and undies. as you can tell, I didn't post a dress. I'm being really picky cause I need them to be sleevless (sp?) or real flowy around the arms.