Back several years ago I would seriously have been a candidate for "What Not to Wear" before I started paying attention to fashion. I am far from perfect in it now but I do try to do better. Back then, I was guilty of outfits such as: I am not kidding. I am so set on not going back down that road that I am not sure when it is ok to buy something in a set or not. I am really liking this XOXO outfit, so what do you think about it? pants need to be a little longer or she need flats.
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
well suits are supposed to match so you have no worries there! I'm not opposed to this kind of detailing on a suit, but what bothers me about this is the length of the jacket. It's awkwardly short, so that even if you tuck in whatever blouse you'd wear underneath, I think there would still be a gap, especially if you raise your arms or bend over at all. I'm all for cropped jackets if they're meant to be worn loose and open to show the blouse underneath, whereas this is designed to be worn closed. Does that make any sense?