From UO: bone colored shoes (very comfy!), sorry for the huge pics: scarf: Mimi maternity: and a pair of black maternity leggings Motherhood: a dress and cardi for my baby showers: Also got some house stuff from Marshall's and a lot of baby stuff at Babies'R'Us.
I had to buy a whole chest of drawers just for handbag storage.
Alexis Bittar asymmetrical lucite bangles in silver and gold (the bottom two in this pic).
From Banana Republic, not online: - brown sild ribbon and gold bead necklace - silver necklace with disc pendants - 2 gold oblong thin bangles - brushed silver hoop earrings
From Arden B. Enamel hinged bangle
Cobalt asymmetric lucite bangle
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.