I saw these Taryn Rose flats at Nordstrom Rack last week and tried them on. The heel/ankle part was insanely soft and comfortable, which is hard for me to find. The soles didn't have a ton of padding or structure, but most flats don't, but they're well constructed. The toe is a little blunt for my usual tastes since my feet are small and my legs short, but they don't look bad.
Anyhow, they were $50 at Nordstrom Rack, but I have a GC so they'd be free to me. They're currently $400 online .
So are they cute? Or not that cute but getting them for 75% off is making them seem cuter than they are?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
knowing that you like danskos, and knowing the superior quality of taryn rose (she's a foot dr. to boot - no pun intended ), that is a fabulous deal, and they're simple enough in styling to last you a long time.
overall, they seem to fit your taste/needs in shoes and they are a damn good deal... Knowing the shoes you like to wear, I bet you will get a lot of use from them.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I personally wouldn't buy them just because I don't like the look. *However* - D makes very good points, and the "heel pain" thing with flats is an issue with me too. I think in this case, spending your GC is justified.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Well, while I do like my Danskos, I'm not under the illusion that they're terribly stylish. Acceptable, nondescript, and comfortable and therefore justifiable. I also get nearly 2 inches of heel height with them, which IMO offsets the stumpiness. I think I'm actually going to pass - if the toe was a bit more elongated I'd snap them up, but I think it's just too close to crossing the Stumpy line. Here's the top view, see what I mean about the toe? And, I realized one of the reasons I was considering these (aside from the fact that they're a screaming deal), is as a subsitute for these Kate Spade ones, which are still $165: Le sigh. Maybe these will show up at the Rack one day. The TR ones wouldn't have looked good with skirts/capris because of the squareness of the toe and the strap placement anyway. Maybe I'll just eat it and get the KS ones.
-- Edited by Elle at 16:10, 2007-02-20
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}