How do you avoid a cold? I am bound and determined not to get sick this winter. What do you do to stay healthy? Some friends recommended Cold-fx, anyone ever heard of it?
I've never heard of it. I try and wash my hands more frequently in the winter, drink OJ or take vitamin C, and basically just stay healthy all around. I still manage to get a cold a few times a year, though - but I just recently discovered Zicam, which really works wonders! It's a nose spray - you have to use it every 4 hours, so it's a pain to remember, but it made my cold go away in only a couple days, whereas usually they last up to 2 weeks!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
A word of warning about Zicam - there is currently a class action lawsuit against them, brought on by some of their consumers! Apparently the nose spray can cause permanent loss of smell, and the lozenges can cause permanent loss of taste. So, colds suck, but losing your taste or smell is worse!
For avoiding, washing your hands alot, drinking lots of fluids, getting plenty of rest, exercising, and taking a multivitamin are all good things. Washing your hands is probably the biggest though - especially after going grocery shopping, etc.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
elle, thanks for posting that about zicam! i didn't know that....
i have been trying to avoid colds lately by staying away from anyone that i *know* has a cold. (i.e.; my sister who is not too thrilled because i was supposed to cut her hair!)
I try to stay away from sick people. I also try to get lots of sleep, drink lots of water and exercise. I'm not sure that it really works, but the lots of sleep makes me feel better about everything!
I eat healthy organic food, take my vitamins every day, if people in the office are sick I take zinc, vitamin C, and echinecea supplements, I also wash my hands all the time and carry hand wipes in my purse. I haven't had a cold or flu sinse highschool (maybe 8 years ago)
airborne, plenty of sleep and exercise (easier said than done), hand washing or hand sanitizer, be weary of sharing computers, keyboards, phones, mice, doorknobs--- and shaking hands. Don't touch your eyes or put your hands near your face. good diet and/or vitamins
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
I took some echineaimide (sp?) this winter at what I thought was the onset of a cold and it seemed to wipe it out. It is a liquid form of echinecea I think.
The last time I had a cold was at least a year ago or more. I've never had the flu. I work around many people who get sick but I manage to stay healthy!
I get my vitamins through my Carnation instant breakfast. I think it helps that they are powder small not pills.
If I have the slightest notion of somebody around me being sick I hold my breath!
I wear my driving gloves when I use a shopping cart.
I will not touch my face until I have gone home and washed my hands! The first thing I do when I come home is wash my hands.
I try not to touch door handles in public. When using a public restroom I use a paper towel when I exit. If it's an air dry only facility I get creative.
I keep Purell hand sanitzer at my desk and use it a lot (and a bottle of lotion because the Purell dries my hand out!). I have disinfectant wipes I use on my keyboard/mouse every couple of weeks or so. Keyboards are germ magnets because I touch doornknobs and other stuff and then type at my desk. I take a multivitamin and then an extra vitamin C pill if I'm feeling extra paranoid. I avoid touching my face. I think the most important thing I do is wash my hands really really well as soon as I get in the house after work. I take Metro and it is so dirty!