I'm getting an assistant! I got the okay from my boss today to start looking for someone. It may only be part-time to start (hasn't been determined yet), but at least it's something. I have more than enough work to give two full-time assistants, really. Now, I just need that raise that I should have gotten with my 'promotion' 3 months ago. I'm going to be somebody's boss-- they have no excuses not to give me a raise and a good one at that.
So, at least now, I'll have a little bit of help in my department. I'm still going to start looking for another job just because of the nature of industry and the company culture, but this will at least relieve some of my stress.
Eurodaisy wrote:Congratulations! I suggest hiring a really cute guy, so you'll forward to going to work everyday, even if you don't get that raise.
No, don't hire a guy cause knowing your luck and the company's history they'd promote him before you and he'd end up making more money than you Congrats!
Hehe. I know you're joking, but it's probably true. There's been a whole lot of crap happen in the office within the past few weeks that makes me even more mad at the way women are treated around there.
But yeah, at the same time, it would be amusing to hire a guy and -gasp!- have a woman be his boss. I'm actually going to be the first woman in the company who has an underling (yes, I said underling).
Eurodaisy wrote:Congratulations! I suggest hiring a really cute guy, so you'll forward to going to work everyday, even if you don't get that raise.
No, don't hire a guy cause knowing your luck and the company's history they'd promote him before you and he'd end up making more money than you Congrats!
Hehe. I know you're joking, but it's probably true. There's been a whole lot of crap happen in the office within the past few weeks that makes me even more mad at the way women are treated around there.
But yeah, at the same time, it would be amusing to hire a guy and -gasp!- have a woman be his boss. I'm actually going to be the first woman in the company who has an underling (yes, I said underling).
Oh lord...why did that make me think of the Friend's episode when Rachel hires the hot assistant and then they start dating? I think my mind just went to a bad place when you used the world UNDERling. Anyway...congratulations on the assistant hunt but you still need to get the hell out of Dodge!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
So, yeah. That assistant isn't going to happen. They are moving someone into a Sales & Marketing Assistant position, however, the only things that they will be taking from me are the things I've been letting sit anyway-- basically all the marketing department admin work.
I'm not going to get any help on my other growing responbilities-- mainly the customer marketing bs. It boggles my mind why our customers, some of whom have their own marketing departments, insist on using me as their marketing department instead of the people who work for them. I have a customer base of 30-40 clients and I work as their own personal marketing department (full-service design, writing, planning, media placement, account management, etc). It really is like working for several different companies in addition to my own. It also requires me to be out of the office a lot to meet with them, which takes me away from other work.
And not too mention that the company is now a four-branch operation, with two more likely in the works and I have to do seperate marketing for that. And the regular corporate marketing promotions, event planning, website design/management (this will be starting in a few weeks once the new site is up and running-- I anticipate at least half of my week will spent with this) and graphic/multi-media design.
I am not getting any help for any of this. I am so mad! Instead of getting me help, they are moving someone from the admin department back into Sales/Marketing (not MARCOM, which is my department) and because of that, there isn't a budget for my assistant.
Oh, and I was told (again) that I'm not supposed to work overtime, but for some reason, it's okay for the employees at one of the new locations (that isn't generating enough sales at the moment) to work 20 hours of overtime every pay period. They aren't even doing anything!!! I have tons of work to do and I'm so far behind in everything and there's no way to get it done in only 40 hours. I've taken to working off the clock b/c I don't see any other option b/c I won't get enough done otherwise.
I'm sure if I was a man, this wouldn't be a problem. No one says anything to any man who wants to work overtime, even if they have no reason to work it.
Thank goodness my resume is up to date and I'm able to apply for jobs. I got an email from a recruiter today in one of the cities where I'm looking at grad school, so we'll see what happens with that. I just need to get out of that place b/c there is obviously zero room for advancement there.
I am so sorry to hear that. It really sounds like a poisonous situation at your work. I hope you are able to just skate on the surface and do the bare minimum until you find a job where they appreciate and compensate you appropriately for all your skills. Hang in there!
Gah! Sounds awful. Good thing you're getting the hell out of there. With all the work you do, I wonder what the reaction is going to be when you tell them you are leaving.... Do you think they will beg you to stay? Seems like they'd be up sh*t creek without you!
good luck with the new job search!One thing I have learned though in my job experiences after college is that I will never get a promotion, or ever be happy with a new title (many times they try and make it fancy) without the proper pay. I hate to sound money hungry, but titles don't impress me.....just pay me what I'm worth!
I also agree with you about the men thing!!!!!!!!!!