Did you guys hear about the new technology hitting fitting rooms? Nanette Lepore is the first to jump onboard with the sort of "FaceBook" for the dressing room. Check it out:
Shoppers can get advice from friends — or strangers — on Web By DORIS HAJEWSKI dhajewski@journalsentinel.com Posted: Jan. 15, 2007
New York - "Does this color look good on me?" "Does this make my butt look big?"
For years, women in fitting rooms who want answers to those important questions have relied on friends or the kindness of strangers. Tech savvy teens use their camera-equipped cell phones to get advice, but it's hard to hold the phone and pose.
New technology unveiled Monday at the National Retail Federation convention will allow women to get those answers on the Internet, from friends or strangers.
Think of it as Facebook meets The Fitting Room.
IconNicholson, the software company that developed the system, calls it Social Retailing. It's aimed at young women, ages 17 through 24.
The system, in tests now by designer Nanette Lepore, allows a shopper to stand in front of a "magic mirror," equipped with a camera. The shopper's image is transmitted to an Internet site where people can see her modeling the outfit.
The shopper can call her friends on her cell phone and ask them to get on the Internet to look at what she's trying on. But the Web site also will be available to anyone else who finds it.
On the Internet, friends or onlookers will be able to send a message to the shopper, offering opinions and rating the clothes.
The messages will show up in large text on the mirror.
The audience also will be able to shop at the Web site and suggest other outfits for the shopper to try on. Suggested garments will show up on the screen as an image, and the shopper can try it virtually by standing directly in front of it, or she can find a real one in the store and try it on.
"Everyone of us needs confirmation, even for small purchases," said Jordan Jan, senior engineer for IconNicholson. "We need to know that it's OK."
Nanette Lepore, a high-end designer, has the system in her shop in New York's Soho neighborhood, and she is getting ready to do a test in a department store, according to Rachael McBrearty, vice president for creative strategy for IconNicholson.
Nanette Lepore clothes are sold at chains such as Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue.
Elsewhere, teens who want advice on clothes will have to bring the camera phone or go low-tech: take their friends.
that sounds like such a good idea - I'd rather strangers tell me what they think of my outfit, because they have no personal ties, so they wouldn't sugar coat anything for me
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
"Everyone of us needs confirmation, even for small purchases," said Jordan Jan, senior engineer for IconNicholson. "We need to know that it's OK."
well, that's pretty evident on ST!
I see a lot of potential for abuse though - lots of opportunity for trolls... It also takes a lot of guts to post pix of yourself on the internet (I'm sure many first-time threadstyle posters can understand that)
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
"Everyone of us needs confirmation, even for small purchases," said Jordan Jan, senior engineer for IconNicholson. "We need to know that it's OK."
well, that's pretty evident on ST!
I see a lot of potential for abuse though - lots of opportunity for trolls... It also takes a lot of guts to post pix of yourself on the internet (I'm sure many first-time threadstyle posters can understand that)
I definitely see the possibility for trolls, but also I don't want a camera in there (even if not taking pics) while I am changing unless it is mine. There are too many pervs out there and they can say the camera only works when you push a button, but I know that isn't always true.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I also wonder if Nanette Lepore will have a staff of people posting comments on how great everything looks and suggesting more stuff, know what I mean. I guess really just everyone needs ST
I'm just goign to assume they mean the outside the actual dressign room mirror.
really though- I just don't get how it would work. The stuff comes up on the mirror- so you're supposed to wait around until someone posts something? Do they really think that many people will always be on the site? Sending a picture text to a friend just seems a lot more logical if you're looking for immediate feedback.