i made a new year's resolution to try and get over here once a day so i could be more actively involved like i was a long long time ago, but so far i've only made it over twice since 2007 began. boo!
anyway, i just wanted to check in and say hi -- i've been quickly trying to catch myself up on what's going on in people's lives. congratulations to the preggos and on the new babies (ayo and mikacat your babies are adorable!) as well as new jobs and moves and all of the exciting things that the ST gals have been up to. :)
just a bit of excitement in the smash household - my husband just got accepted to harvard law school! so after almost 6 years in nyc, i'll finally be heading back to my new england stomping grounds. :) we're very excited about the big changes ahead (buying a house, soon to be starting a family, etc). my business is super busy - my calendar is pretty much fully booked for 2007 and i even have the honor of designing bex's wedding invitations!
anyway, i just wanted everyone to know that i think of you girls often and hope you are all well. i hope that i can get over here a bit more frequently to check in and participate. :)
xo & happy 2007! smash
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
I'm so glad you checked in! I have been wondering about you. Congrats to you and your hubby and best of luck in the new year. Hope you check back in with us soon. I miss your thread style posts.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I was just wondering about you the other day (I seen someone wearing a red/turquiose color combo and thought that was so smash). Congrats on hubby getting into Harvard law! That's very exciting! Thanks for the update.
How exciting for both of you! My dad went to Harvard Law and loved it and I was born during his third year. And I think Cambridge is my favorite part of New England.
Glad to see you back, smash! I'm also trying to "hang out" here more often. Congrats to your husband on getting into Harvard Law--that's quite an accomplishment!
I'm so thrilled for you and B and moving back to Boston. I know you two have been wanting that for so long...it's great to see your dreams coming to fruition!