She's coming home in early April! Um, so technically she's not even born yet, and won't be until February, but this is what she'll look like as a baby and as an adult:
We're tossing around names, but we're having trouble being creative. Most of these dogs are names for their color (ruby, sienna, etc) so alot of dogs in this breed end up having the same name! We're not necessarily opposed, but want something more creative than that - something more obscure.
The dog will be a girl. Some names we're seriously considering are Aspen, Marley, and Kirby. We tend to like not totally animal-specific names, more like things that are names that are awesome but ones you might not necessarily want to saddle a kid with . If it matters, she will have a boy kitty sibling, whose name is Dexter. We'd prefer to stay away from names that sound like Dexter, as well as names that sound too much like commands she'll be learning (I like Camille, but it sounds too much like Come Here! ).
Suggestions? Brainstorms?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I have a strict philosophy that all dogs and/or cars should be named after a) Greek/Roman gods (Mars, Ares, Achilles, Venus, Aphrodite, etc.), b) characters and/or authors from Russian literature/history (Anna, Leo, Trotsky, etc.), or c) obscure 80s references (Brainy, Mr. Belvedere, Jem, etc.).
So if I was going to choose, I'd go with Diana. You've got the mythology aspect - In Roman mythology, Diana was the virgingoddess of the hunt, the equivalent of the Greek goddessArtemis. - and you've got the obscure 80s (okay 70s) reference to Wonder Woman who is based off Diana/Artemis (Greek version). And your beautiful pup definitely looks like a Wonder Woman.
I love the name Marley. I also like Sasha, Bella, and Morgan. Stella could be cute too, and when you yell for her you could yell STEEELLLAA! Sorry, I couldn't resist
Let us know what you decide on, and please post pics of her when she arrives
I have a strict philosophy that all dogs and/or cars should be named after a) Greek/Roman gods (Mars, Ares, Achilles, Venus, Aphrodite, etc.), b) characters and/or authors from Russian literature/history (Anna, Leo, Trotsky, etc.), or c) obscure 80s references (Brainy, Mr. Belvedere, Jem, etc.).
So if I was going to choose, I'd go with Diana. You've got the mythology aspect - In Roman mythology, Diana was the virgingoddess of the hunt, the equivalent of the Greek goddessArtemis. - and you've got the obscure 80s (okay 70s) reference to Wonder Woman who is based off Diana/Artemis (Greek version). And your beautiful pup definitely looks like a Wonder Woman.
I love the name Marley...but I am admittedly a little obsessed with Bob Marley so that's probably why.
What kind of dog is that? I need one! She looks like the perfect playmate for my Boxer, Daisy!
She's a Vizsla. Sometimes they're also called Hungarian Pointers .
Aww, I should have known that! FH's childhood dog, Holly, was a Vizsla. We just lost her right before xmas. She was the best doggie -you're gonna love her!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
My vote is for Marley, now. But I'm a firm believer in waiting till the baby, or puppy in this case, is born to decide. I really think that some babies, again puppies, just look like one name or another.
However, I do like the idea of a Hungarian name. I love the Petra. I'm not sure if Zoe is Hungarian or not...but I love that name as well.
Congrats on becoming a new mommy!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling