I rsvp'd for a skincare clinic at Nordies on Friday. I want to purchase quite a few things but I want the gift with purchase that's only available online. How horrible will it be to go to the event and not buy anything? I'll be buying but only online. Should I cancel my appointment? I'm already feeling guilty.
i've never been to something like this, but being the pushover i am, i'd feel somewhat obligated to buy. i'd buy in person and online, and then return...
I've never been to a skincare clinic. Will it be just you there, or is it a whole group of people? If its a whole group of people then don't feel bad about it. If it's just you, maybe you could mention that you want the free gift and noticed it's only online, and maybe they'll throw it in for you anyway? I mean, you could do that either way, really.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I used to work at nordies .. so here is what I would suggest.
Pick out everything you want at the store, tell the salesperson you want the GWP that is online. SHe will call in the order online, she will get credit for the sale, you will get the GWP and FREE SHIPPING (when items are ordered thru the store!)
AllieGurl wrote: I used to work at nordies .. so here is what I would suggest.
Pick out everything you want at the store, tell the salesperson you want the GWP that is online. SHe will call in the order online, she will get credit for the sale, you will get the GWP and FREE SHIPPING (when items are ordered thru the store!)
HTH:) and have fun!
Awesome! Great idea, thanks. I'll definitely do that. Yay! I'm back to being excited about the trip.