I've been thinking of doing just a little makeup selling on the side to earn some extra cash. I like the "Mark" line the best (meetmark.com), because it's a little cheaper and seems younger than the other makeup lines you can sell.
The website doesn't give a whole lot of information about the process, though. I assume I'll learn more once I pay the $20 application fee...but I'd like to know specifics before I waste my money on a process I decide isn't the way I want to do things!
So if anyone has experience with Mark or Avon (the parent company), can you help me? I've only ever bought things from Avon from my mom's friends at work, so she just brings things home from work for me. How does it work? Do I collect orders, make one big order, and then the makeup company ships everything to me so I can distribute things individually? Or do they send the individual orders to the individual buyers?
Basically, I don't want to do this if it means I'm going to have to drive all over town just to deliver a lipgloss to someone. But if they sent the lipgloss directly to my buyer, I think it'd be worth it.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I sold Avon for a short while. Before you decide to start, make sure you don't have to compete for customers. If there are a lot of people already selling your product, you don't have a good chance! You will have to start with a little cash. You will need to buy the brochures yourself to distribute to potential customers. The more you buy, the cheaper they are. I liked to include samples, that cost some extra $$$ too. At Avon you just send in one order and then they send the stuff to you for you to deliver to your customers. I'm sure it would be easy to convince them to buy more than just a lip gloss though! For instance, "Look at our special price we're offering this campaign for our anti-aging cream!" or "May I suggest the new firming lotion? This campaign it's being offered for only $12.99. Next time it will be it's regular $17.99 price." Of course choose what you think they might like or need. One of the best things about being a rep is getting a nice discount for yourself!
Have you looked into Arbonne? I have a few friends that sell it and make a killing! One of my friends is an elementary school teacher, last years she made more selling Arbonne than she did teaching... A lot of my married friends sign their husbands up as reps too and make even more money, and the husbands don't sell anything...not sure how it all works, but it seems to be a really good source of extra income..and the products aren't bad either...
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
Ohh I LOVE mark! My Avon lady sells it to me. She's been selling Avon for like 27 years, it's rediculous. Anyway, you do have to deliver the product to your customer but the really good part about this is your customer will usually buy from you again when you deliver. Here's how it works.... Avon Lady visits me and I order from the current (1) catalog. She gives me the NEXT (2) catalog to look over for the next few weeks. She puts my order from the current (1) catalog with all of her other orders to make one big order to Avon. Two weeks later, Avon Lady visits again, bringing whatever product I ordered (usually lipgloss! I love the Glow Baby Glow... I have 5 tubes of it in my purse right now, haha) and the NEXT (3) catalog with her. I pay for my current (1) order, place an order using the (2) catalog, and save (3) for next time.
You might set up a meeting with your mom's friend or find out who the area representative is. I'm sure they'll really be able to answer any questions you have. Good luck!!
... stick 'em down your shirt and make your boobs look bigger!
Avon has a good reputation as a company, and while they don't make a big deal out of it, their products are not tested on animals. They support a lot of charities as well.
Some items are available online too now, so if you have friends in other places, they can still buy through you. My grandma has been an "Avon Lady" for probably 30 years. What's nice is that I can order online, type in her phone number, and she gets the commission. This is cool since she doesn't even know what "an internet" is.
Like any entreprenurial opportunity, you get out of it what you put in, in terms of energy and attention. If you're a person who's happier sitting back waiting for the phone to ring, it's probably not a great idea. If you're willing to do a little work, you're better off. For example, if they have a shade of nail color that you think would be perfect for a friend, email her the link. You can do this without being obnoxious - just a "saw this and thought of you" type of email.
thanks everybody! It looks like this isn't the job for me, at least not right now...
It's not that I'm not willing to put in the work, but the people I think most likely to want these products don't live very close, and the people who live near me are the least likely. That's why I was wondering...sigh. I guess I'll have to save this idea for another time!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I sold Avon for awhile and loved the Mark products. I wanted to sell just them but didn't have enough people in our area interested in Mark. I had a lot of problems with Avon being out of product or sending the wrong things. I found out you can make more selling Mary Kay so I did that for a lot longer. I really loved it but ended up having to stop for awhile due to some personal issues..(I was selling for my sister in law and she and my brother ended up divorcing mainly) but I would definately recommend Mary kay to anyone who wanted to sell it...you can make more money and the company is much better to deal with than Avon.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."