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want to join my pitty party
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 I just need to vent  before I scream

I need to clean the house but Iam tired of cleaning it


H broke his leg(right below the hip)2 weeks ago had three pins put in and I know I should be more umm senstive caring but right now all I see him doing is sleepingforgive me that sounds harsh. He says he gets bored and restless so he goes to sleep.

I have put on extra weight due to stress and Iam trying to get it back off.

 since the accident I have not brought up the subject to anyone  of me wanting to separate from H b/c Iam trying to do the right thing and help care for him . 

Thanks for listening and let me vent

came back to add. Iam sick of seeing cig. butts on the carport and on the grass. How hard is it to put them in a trash can 

-- Edited by small fry at 14:35, 2007-01-08



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My house is a mess and I don't plan on cleaning it until I have to (ie, the day before the cleaning ladies come)

I've been keeping a journal that I know my ex-boyfriend reads and so, it's kind of become this long one-way letter to him. I feel guilty about it...but I don't stop.

I need to be better about my budget! At least until March. I am trying to pay off a $1500 bill in three months and it's eating away all my play money. I need to be better.

I forgot my brother's birthday and I still haven't called him to apologize :(



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I'll join

this may sound bratty but I don't care right now

My DH's family think we're a bank for some reason. We just wrote out a large check to send to his niece so she can put a down payment on a house. Then we get an email from another niece asking us what we plan to do with his father inheritance becuase she dreams of buying her first home. I'm tired of people asking us for money. I'm pissed that because we're well off it's our job to put all his gret niece and nephews through college. We are not a bank! Quit picking lint out from your fingernails from digging in our pockets!! Learn to take care of yourselves, you're adults for crying out loud! Ok this is just making me more and more pissed off right now.

I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it. Carrie Bradshaw

Kate Spade

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I need to diet DESPERATLY but I can't stop eating leftover christmas cookies.
Yesterday I went to buy new bras and that was just NOT GOOD. I have very large boobs (which I hate) and lets just say that I went up in size since gaining weight and now my bras have 3 rows of clasps instead of 2. I must have tried on 15 different style bras and I would like to have a discussion with the bra companies about who the hell they make bras for. Each one of them made my boobs a shape that was NOT AT ALL flattering. I just don't get it. Plus, I went while mensturating and the whole experience + my emotional state had me in tears in the dressing room. Then I get so angry because my husband just has to throw on an extra large dego and boxer briefs and his extra weight is compensated for. However, I have to deal with huge unflattering bras that cost 30 F-ING DOLLARS EACH and cellulite sticking out of my undies. I HATE BEING A WOMAN!!!!!!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Marc Jacobs

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I have the worst migrane headache ever right now,

With sensitivity to light and sound. My face is numb, I am getting bright flashes in front of my eyes and I feel like I am going to vomit.


I have been feeling fatigued and sick, with unexplainable arm and sometimes leg pains for the past two years. I also have been getting some sort of an infection(sinus,bladder,skin or ear infections)every other month or every three months for the past year and so far no doctor can figure out what is wrong with me.



To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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I got the frumpiest haircut ever (not on purpose ) at the beginning of October.  I still have not gotten it cut again, so now I have a grown out frumpy hair cut.  It makes me feel terribly, well, frumpy!  Have I made an appointment yet?  Why, no .....

Lots of little things are starting to go wrong with our only car.  So now we either need to shell out some serious cash for the maintenance and still be left with one oldish car, or we need to shell out some serious cash for a newer car and be left with a newer car and an oldish car that still needs maintenance.

I am really tired of the coooold, rainy weather!  I want spring to come so we can do something with our disgusting yard.

Our bathroom remodel is eating all our money, so we have none for haircuts, car repairs, or landscaping.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}


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I'll play.

~ I am so broke that's it's not even funny. I'm tired of my job not paying me what I should be getting paid. I function as a manager, but they pay me as an assistant. It's total bullshit. And I know that there is no hope for more money because everyone who works there is grossly underpaid.

~ Things with McStubborn are going alright, but it's still a little stressful b/c it's not completely sorted out. I also officially ended things with E and I feel like a jackass b/c I know that I never should have gotten involved with him in the first place. McStubborn or no McStubborn, E was never the right person for me and I knew it all along, but tried to force it anyway b/c of how he felt about me. I'm a jackass. And I'm so stressed that my eating and sleeping habits are all kinds of messed up.

~ My health is way out of whack. I had a bladder infection last week and it was so painful and kept me up all night one night last week. I've also been having problems with my asthma and I had a sinus infection and bronchitis that just made it worse. I think it's a combination of the stress with McStubborn/E and the stress from my job.

~ In addition to my health being messed up, I'm just tired all the time and I look like hell. I have huge circles under my eyes and I'm all pasty. I need to get a grip on this stress. It's killing me.

Yeah, I'm done now. Thanks for listening.

-- Edited by kenzie at 18:37, 2007-01-08



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-Classes started today. Usually I'm at least slightly excited to go back, but this semester I am NOT. Thank god I'm almost done with my degree.

-I have health problems recently that make going to school difficult. Over winter break I got a lot of medical help and I think I'll be able to handle it a lot better, but I just had one 50 minute class today and it took a lot out of me to get through that. I don't know how I'm going to handle tomorrow - three 75 minute classes!

-I was home all break at my parents' house, because with graduation coming up this summer it may be the last time I can spend weeks on end there. My boyfriend lives about 10 minutes from them, so I got to see him almost half the days I was there and it was *wonderful* just doing stupid things like getting breakfast at McDonald's together, laying in bed and watching old Gumby episodes together, and running errands together. Now I'm back in my apartment for the new semester, though, which means I'm back to seeing him every other weekend, or maybe less because this semester will be a killer on him. I know I should be thankful that we got to spend so much time together, and I am. But I'm already going through BF-withdrawl just anticipating how much I'll miss him.

-I don't know if this is because of all the medicine I'm taking lately (20+ pills some days! I had to take one of those week-long pill boxes and re-label it to use it for just one day. It's completely ridiculous), but I am the most emotional person on the planet. I cry like 5 times a day, for no apparent reason at all. The slightest frustration sends me over the edge, but sometimes I'm just eating supper and watching reality TV and all the sudden there's a FLOOD of tears. I don't get it!!!

-I'm poor. I have to buy books. I didn't go to the book store yet, but I'm betting they'll be about $300. So what did I do today? Went shopping to congratulate myself on getting through my first class of the new semester. Yea, I know I'm smart.

-- Edited by ttara123 at 18:47, 2007-01-08


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123

Kate Spade

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I didn't think I had a reason to join the pity party, but I just finished compiling the debt I'm in and it's more than I thought. It's going to take me months to pay off... the shopping ban is going to last longer than I thought.



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This isn't really a huge deal, but I am so sick of living in this crappy apartment.

I share a room and a bathroom with my roommate and she keeps getting on my nerves.  She talks loudly on her phone and plays music while I'm trying to sleep and the sound of her voice makes me cringe.  Plus, she has this attitude where she thinks she's really cool but it's totally obnoxious.

The walls in between our rooms are REALLY thin and I can hear the guy's phone vibrate next door.  Yesterday my neighbor and her boyfriend were in her room and let's just say I could hear things I realllllllllllllly didn't need to hear .

Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland


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Wow, I want to hug all of you!

Small fry, my husband had foot surgery last year and I felt exactly as you describe...after about six weeks I was kind of done being sensitive and understanding. The funny thing was my DH is useless around the house anyway, so it wasn't like it was a lot more work for me, it just felt like I was being imposed on. I definitely don't underestimate the boredom, though. I bet that is killing him.    

The health issues some of you are going through are very troubling. I don't know how old everyone is, I personally believe that medicine today is generally a bunch of garbage. It amazes me how many people are told they need pharmaceuticals just to get out of bed in the morning. A friend of mine in her fifties has decided that at her age she is too old to make lifestyle changes and her doctor has told her that her heart, arteries and bones are all doomed if she doesn't take daily pills for them.

I know everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I see such unhealthy behaviors and habits in people of all ages...and I'm seeing some good friends suffering from some similar issues as some of you, friends who would rather take pills that are poison on the liver and kidneys, than do something different. Speaking of kidneys: my 13-year-old cousin will need a kidney transplant soon because she's been taking antibiotics practically her whole life.

I'm not even talking about dieting, just stuff like drinking more water instead of artificially sweetened sodas. Or getting out and moving your body. Or meditating. Or trying herbs and supplements. Something as small as cutting out caffeine or dairy or wheat, depending on your body and your symptoms, can be the difference between feeling like you have the flu all the time and feeling like you can run a marathon!

I didn't mean to go off on a tangent, but I've been frustrated lately by some of these issues and I feel powerless to change friend says I'm "impractical" when I suggest she take a few 15 to 20 minute walks during the week or giving up coffee, even though it's leaching calcium out of her bones!



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thanks for understanding.

Hugs to all you ladies and I hope you feel better soon. I felt much better just venting and talking to you ladies



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Suasoria wrote:

Wow, I want to hug all of you!

The health issues some of you are going through are very troubling. I don't know how old everyone is, I personally believe that medicine today is generally a bunch of garbage. It amazes me how many people are told they need pharmaceuticals just to get out of bed in the morning. A friend of mine in her fifties has decided that at her age she is too old to make lifestyle changes and her doctor has told her that her heart, arteries and bones are all doomed if she doesn't take daily pills for them.

I know everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I see such unhealthy behaviors and habits in people of all ages...and I'm seeing some good friends suffering from some similar issues as some of you, friends who would rather take pills that are poison on the liver and kidneys, than do something different. Speaking of kidneys: my 13-year-old cousin will need a kidney transplant soon because she's been taking antibiotics practically her whole life.

I'm not even talking about dieting, just stuff like drinking more water instead of artificially sweetened sodas. Or getting out and moving your body. Or meditating. Or trying herbs and supplements. Something as small as cutting out caffeine or dairy or wheat, depending on your body and your symptoms, can be the difference between feeling like you have the flu all the time and feeling like you can run a marathon!

I didn't mean to go off on a tangent, but I've been frustrated lately by some of these issues and I feel powerless to change friend says I'm "impractical" when I suggest she take a few 15 to 20 minute walks during the week or giving up coffee, even though it's leaching calcium out of her bones!

I do agree that I think a lot of people take pills unecessarily, and I've seen many instances where one medication leads to another health problem which requires another medication which leads to another problem... and on and on and on. I've been trying to fight my health problems with every fiber of my being, because I hate feeling so crappy and taking so many pills every day! But after a while I had to become practical and realize that I was having no life being sick all the time, and I had to also look out for my future and start solving a lot of problems right now. Maybe some day I'll find better ways to deal with all of this. But right now? I'm just happy to be able to make it through class or to be able to go to a party for an hour or two. Two months ago, I couldn't even go to the store.

I'm not trying to attack you, but I'm saying that I understand where you're coming from, because I do think that many people are over-medicated. I'm not saying that I'm not, because clearly I'm quite drugged. But I also sympathize with everyone else - sometimes you do need some help with your health, and if that's what gets us through the day, maybe it's best right now. I take my medicine, but I also do a lot of other things for my health like exercising, diet changes, etc. Sometimes that's still not enough to fix everything.


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123


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i need to join the pity party-

My husband is off from work these last few weeks and he thinks that just because he is on vacation he doesn't really have to do anything and he can sleep late...but since he is home, it would be nice of him to help get jack ready to go inthe morning to I do not have to be crazy and all hurried getting us both ready

I only work 3 days per week and I get in yesterday and find that we have a big pr event next week and noone that out the memoribilia that we will need for our auction, so I had to spend the last two days driving around chicago trying to find certain jerseys, balls, bats and gloves

I have the way I look...I have not lost all teh baby weight and I am not sure how to lose the rest...I just don't feel comfortable in my own skin!


Marc Jacobs

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Suasoria wrote:

Wow, I want to hug all of you!

Small fry, my husband had foot surgery last year and I felt exactly as you describe...after about six weeks I was kind of done being sensitive and understanding. The funny thing was my DH is useless around the house anyway, so it wasn't like it was a lot more work for me, it just felt like I was being imposed on. I definitely don't underestimate the boredom, though. I bet that is killing him.    

The health issues some of you are going through are very troubling. I don't know how old everyone is, I personally believe that medicine today is generally a bunch of garbage. It amazes me how many people are told they need pharmaceuticals just to get out of bed in the morning. A friend of mine in her fifties has decided that at her age she is too old to make lifestyle changes and her doctor has told her that her heart, arteries and bones are all doomed if she doesn't take daily pills for them.

I know everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I see such unhealthy behaviors and habits in people of all ages...and I'm seeing some good friends suffering from some similar issues as some of you, friends who would rather take pills that are poison on the liver and kidneys, than do something different. Speaking of kidneys: my 13-year-old cousin will need a kidney transplant soon because she's been taking antibiotics practically her whole life.

I'm not even talking about dieting, just stuff like drinking more water instead of artificially sweetened sodas. Or getting out and moving your body. Or meditating. Or trying herbs and supplements. Something as small as cutting out caffeine or dairy or wheat, depending on your body and your symptoms, can be the difference between feeling like you have the flu all the time and feeling like you can run a marathon!

I didn't mean to go off on a tangent, but I've been frustrated lately by some of these issues and I feel powerless to change friend says I'm "impractical" when I suggest she take a few 15 to 20 minute walks during the week or giving up coffee, even though it's leaching calcium out of her bones!

I do understand where you are coming from. I believe that as a society we are over medicated. My doctor keeps trying to put me on anti depressants for stress.

However I have changed alot of my life style under the pretense that my health problems were caused by stress. That was 6 months ago,and my health hasn't gotten any better.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Marc Jacobs

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I'm sorry honey!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}



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I'll join the party...

I hate dating. It really really sucks. I went on a blind date with a guy who just happens to work at one of my companies (I didn't know he worked there). Monday he tells everyone that we are dating- after one cringe-worthy date. Also seeing another guy from the same company (super cute work guy). Saturday we had a date and things got a little...ummm...carried away. (TMI: Not all the way but it got pretty intense) Today he says we need to talk. Barf.

How do I get myself into these incredibly rediculous situations? Next week I'm joining a convent, I swear.



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Yeah, total respect to anyone anywhere who is fighting like a warrior for perfect health. Unfortunately some people I know are just getting lazy and taking pills for things (conditions, diseases, even just being at risk for something) that could be improved or corrected with lifestyle changes. That's really my issue. And then they tell me that I don't have enough compassion for them because I don't want them poisoning their bodies.

Ya know what I want? I want to buy an old apartment building and convert it to a dorm. You can all move in and call me "Mrs. Garrett." We will just talk about this stuff all day long...



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Suasoria wrote:

Yeah, total respect to anyone anywhere who is fighting like a warrior for perfect health. Unfortunately some people I know are just getting lazy and taking pills for things (conditions, diseases, even just being at risk for something) that could be improved or corrected with lifestyle changes. That's really my issue. And then they tell me that I don't have enough compassion for them because I don't want them poisoning their bodies.

Ya know what I want? I want to buy an old apartment building and convert it to a dorm. You can all move in and call me "Mrs. Garrett." We will just talk about this stuff all day long...

Yay! An ST dorm! sounds lovely, Mrs. Garrett


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123

Dooney & Bourke

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I too need to vent. I threw my back out on sunday (old car accident injury) just picking something up. So now I cannot move my arms above my elbows, cannot lift anything, and cannot twist or turn my body at all. I have to work standing all day and I think it is getting worse. I can't and won't take muscle relaxers and work so I just have to deal with the spasams about every hour that last about 15 min, which take my breath away and make me look like a spaz to customers and coworkers.

I also just found out that we will probably be moving 45 mins away which is not horrible cause we get a way better house for out money, but I don't wanna. I will have a yucky commute to work and I don't really care for the area,for no reason in particular (bay area girls will know, we will prob move to hayward hills or fremont.) Plus moving SUCKS!! This will also make mortgage go up and I wasnt planning on that. I have it all bugeted that my loans and cc debt will be all gone this year, but with the move I dont know if that will be possible.

I also am confused because my boss told me he thinks I will be ready for a promotion in the next 6 mos which is great, but If we move I would want to transfer closer to home. I dont know if a transfer before the promotion will hurt my timeline for the promotion or not. I am also afraid that waiting and trying to get the promotion to another region will not be as easy. I know if I wait and take the promotion in my region I will need to commit for at least a year. What to do What to do.

Ok I am done now thanks for listening to all of this.

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