I know this belongs in Career and Education but I thought it would get more traffic here.
I just got out of the military and was offered a government contract position, which is identical to my military job. I told them that I'd take it, but there are still a few details that need to be firmed up with the recruiter and I probably won't start until next week. It's not ideal because: 1. I don't love the job 2. The contract is only through September. 3. The pay is slightly below what I was hoping to make
The thing is, I have three interviews this week and am awaiting feedback from two interviews I had before the holidays. I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll be offered at least one position.
DH knows how I feel about the government contract job but thinks that I should take it because: 1. It's a job 2. I can keep looking.
I don't feel right about accepting a position when I know that I'd jump at a different offer. I definitely wouldn't want them to know I was still looking and it would be really difficult to schedule interviews. Personally, I'd be really irked if I hired someone and they left two weeks later for another job, and I'm in no position to burn bridges. I can't afford to be unemployed for long but I know this job isn't what I want.
Do you think you might hear from the other interviews before next week? If you think you feel confident about the other interviews you did then I would wait. But if you didnt then I would take the military job until you find something better. You'll atleast be getting some money meanwhile.
Like littlebean said, I think if there's any way you buy a little more time before you make your decision, you might get the answers you're looking for in the form of another job offer! You sound pretty confident about the other options.
Plus, even if you take this and leave after a short time, I think they'd have to understand. It's a contract position, so I'd think they would expect you to be looking.
Okay, I'm no help at all -- but I hope my ramblings help you sort this out a little more!
Is the salary fixed? If they knew you were looking elsewhere because of income concerns, they might be willing to bargain a little. If you do take it - it is only through september. That's less than a year before you can do something else. It'd be worth it to have some stability, I think.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
i voted to wait it out. there are fewer things that suck more than a bad job.
it sounds like you're an impressive job candidate, with five interviews and all. i don't think you'd have much of a problem finding work, so you might as well wait to find the best one for you, your interests and your family.
Try to buy your self more time until you absolutely have something else firmed up. Even if you can accept and push your start date out a little. Based on my recent job hunting experience I can assure you that even if you think that you have the job something else can always come up. You do not want to throw something away because you banked on something that did not pan out. That is a horrible feeling. Good luck!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Definitely either try to buy more time or else wait and keep looking. I just spent over a week training someone just to have them quit for a better job offer and it was awful! It was a big waste of my time and she definitely burned bridges. It's just rude imo to waste people's time if you know you won't stay.
Thanks, ladies. I've been thinking about it all week and I'm still pretty torn. I've accepted the position, I'm just going to try to put off my start date. If I don't have a firm offer lined up by next week, I'm going to just have to start this position and deal with it. Anyway, the recruiter that's filling this contract is a total moron, which is actually working in my favor because he's buying me time.