The saving grace is that I'm watching what is quite possibly the BEST episode of What Not To Wear EVER during my lunch break. This guy is wearing a Versace vest that's 20 years old and pleated pants and he had a head-to-toe lime colored outfit that he called his "Lime Sunset" outfit.
BF and I (we work together) have given our boss numerous politically incorrect nicknames because no one else had to work the Christmas eve and the day after...
I'm working today, and the rest of this week as well, also packing. I'm moving to another building across the street. I've been in my current building for 13 yrs., now I have to move. I was mad/upset when I found out about it last week, as I don't like change, I more or less adapt to it. LOL
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 12:34, 2006-12-27
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I am at work, but I am not doing anything. Seeing as how I am an Assistant and both of my bosses are out for the week I do not have very many things to "assist" with. I have a few projects to tackle, but I am spreading them out over the next couple of days so I am not totally useless tomorrow and Friday.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
The saving grace is that I'm watching what is quite possibly the BEST episode of What Not To Wear EVER during my lunch break. This guy is wearing a Versace vest that's 20 years old and pleated pants and he had a head-to-toe lime colored outfit that he called his "Lime Sunset" outfit.
ha! I'm watching the end of that now. This guy is killing me.
I'm not exactly off of work, but I do make my own hours and I'm being pretty lazy this week. I need to quit watching TV, get out of my PJs, and get to work! But its so hard...
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I'm at work too. I took a vacation day yesterday, and I am so glad I did. Since technically I was gone for 5 days, I have some catch up work, but I dont wanna do it!! Counting down the days until the weekend. I'm sure by Friday I'll be totally checked out though.
I'm at work and it sucks. just a lot of plain and simple suckage. I had to work yesterday too, when no one else inthe ENTIRE hospital was working...even the patients took the day off... My saving grace is having Kari on IM and knowing she's just as miserable at work as I am.
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
working here, too. the parking lot was close to empty, though. at least it's quiet around here and i can waste time playing sudoku and attempting some crosswords.