Let's see, I have to clean the house, grocery shop (so not looking forward to this ), fold laundry and a few other errands. So much fun. I have a little last minute shopping to do but I'm probably going to put that off till tomorrow and make my hubby brave the crowds with me.
I'm on vacation from work, so I'm currently sitting on the couch, surfing the net, and putting off baking Christmas cookies! I've got to run out and pick up a few last min. gifts - I hope the majority of people are still at work, so the crowds won't be too bad.
I have a big project to finish at work, but it should be fine. I am OUT OF HERE at 5 sharp! I have worked overtime EVERYDAY this week!
But I am excited to forget about work for the holidays! Tonight I am having a christmas cookie party with some friends. All weekend it's family parties and next week I have OFF WORK! DH and I have a pajama and movie day planned and other then that I am just going to relax and really organize at home! I am SO looking forward to it! I want to catch up on ST too!
I'm sitting on the couch watching Lost on dvd and sewing a stocking for my brother-in-law. I told him I'd make him one, put it off, and now I'm stuck sewing sequins on the damn thing. It's looking really pretty though, but oh. my. god. is it a lot of work. He'd better like it!
Today, doing some last minute shopping (ipod for husband), and picked up sushi and other apps for my small xmas party tonight - I can't wait! We're going to drink absinthe and imbibe in other vices and play cranium.
My father is coming over tomorrow and I'm serving lobster bisque, beef wellington, and asparagus. My father is bringing sweet potato pie for desert.
Sunday, we drive to Pittsburgh to visit my husband's family, then drive back Christmas day...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Today I tried to sleep in but couldn't. I beautified in the morning, made some meals for the week, lunched with hubby, and picked up a shirt, a cami, and two necklaces.
Then I tried on all the items I have picked up over the last few months that I bought for the holidays and put together my outfits for tomorrow, Christmas eve and Christmas day.
Now I'm watching TV, surfing the net and just taking it easy.
I don't go back to work until the 2nd, so I'm practicing relaxing. I'm not good at it. I already reorganized the spare room while I was masking this morning. I may nap with the dog and cats in a few minutes.
Trying to finish up here @ the office before the weekend. My co-worker & I just scored courtside seats from our boss to a Timberwolves game, so we're headed to that later tonight.
I spent the day doing some cleaning,and dyeing my hair so I don't have roots showing for christmas.
Then I was crazy enough to go out to borders to buy a book,because I finished the one I was reading early and I realized I wouldn't have any thing to read to pass the time Christmas eve at my grandma's house.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson