I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow and I have a million things to do, but I keep surfing the net, taking pictures of the dogs with my new camera and watching L&O CI reruns I have seen at least half a dozen times. I'm actually excited about my trip, I just wish I was already ready to go.
I am such a procrastinator, I even procrastinate the fun things.
Dude, ME TOO!!! My DH keeps coming in here saying "so what are you doing"? I'm not packed, I have no idea what I am packing....I did wrap & pack gifts, but that's about it. And I'm so going to FREAK OUT when I'm gone for 10 days with nothing to wear but I know for sure I"ll have my ipod, cell phone, and gameboy because I charged them up earlier today....... oh, and my knitting because I packed yarn for charity knitting 2 days ago.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad