I am completely checked out at work right now. Half the office isn't even here, and I have the day off tomorrow. I keep checking the boards for anything new...anyone else bored out of their mind?
:janey831 wrote: I am completely checked out at work right now. Half the office isn't even here, and I have the day off tomorrow. I keep checking the boards for anything new...anyone else bored out of their mind?
Me, me, me!!! I have a ton I should be doing, but I just can't seem to put my mind on it. I keep playing this game:
Actually, my whole group has been playing this. We know that the highest score you can get is 324.5 and that you can break into the code and adjust it (found that on a website). We are such loser - or just really bored. I prefer really bored.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I'm so bored today. My boss is gone and half our office is gone and I have no motivation to do anything remotely productive. I actually got some work done today, but that was just because the internet was down up until recently. Now it's back to browsing home decor ideas online...
I'm completely checked out too - plus it's snowing for the first time this winter and all I can think about is getting home and changing into PJ's. Too bad I still have a pile of work to worry about.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a misinformed beholder a black eye."
Miss Piggy
Oh yes. I so wish I could take a sickie but one girl is faking vacation (she got caught too!) and the other is about to lose vacation time so she is taking today and tomorrow off (she's our "boss" so she pulls rank) so its me and the newbie who I am sitting here with even though I am sooo sick and want to go home. I'm just doing some client work and will probably end up charging at least an hour or two to sick time instead of the client since I'm working half speed and not doing too much. Luckily I got the ok to leave at 12 tomorrow so I'm packing myself and newbie up at 12 and busting out!