well, you can try all the old wives tales, like eating spicy food and having sex among other things that are proven to have no medical effect, but it all sound like a good way to pass the time
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
well, you can try all the old wives tales, like eating spicy food and having sex among other things that are proven to have no medical effect, but it all sound like a good way to pass the time
Ha too funny!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
the is fun..but just gave me leg cramps afterwards (sorry for the TMI) not to mention I felt really awkward and stupid.
I even took my big 190 pound pregnant behind to a party and did everything short of splits on the dance floor..this is after salsa dancing didn't work..
this chick is stubborn..argh
either she hates me..or loves me lots..
Maybe I should ask her father to go down "there" and tell her to move towards the light!...
Today is my due date and lil miss shows no signs of coming out..*Sigh*
I'm at the point where I feel like I'm going to be pregnant for the rest of my natural life..
This totally won't make you feel any better but....a good quarter to half of my preggos that I work with go past thier due dates. In fact, I've got a patient now who's looking at two weeks past on Wednesday! I would recommend doing all those things you've already been doing (spicy food...etc) and add in walking as much as possible. Just try short walks around the block or around your house. Walking is also good for pain during labor, fyi. As much as you can stand it...walking up and down the halls at the hospital will actually really help with the pain.
Good luck with everything!!!!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I was wondering about you! Hang in there!! This is a big fear of mine - Being Late!! Keep doing what your doing - she'll come out soon!! Keep us informed......
definitely! it sucks being overdue, but she'll make her arrival when she deems it the right time!
one positive thing about being *really* late, though, is that at least for the induction i didn't have to worry about scrambling to get everything for the hospital/calling the doctor/etc!
i am crossing my fingers, though, that she comes out sooner than that!
i know you're anxious but you MUST try and enjoy the little bit of peace and quiet time you have left. you're life is about to change forever (for the better of course, but still...)
i went past my due date around the holidays too. they won't let you go too far past though, right? no more than 2 weeks? she'll be here before you know it!
Ayo - I went to home depot a few hours before I went into labor - maybe that will work haha. (every time I go there I feel like I am in labor - I hate that place!)
Good luck - and dont rush it...the longer she stays in there - the sooner she will be sleeping through the night ( I swear this is true!)