I hope you wouldn't act like this girl MacKenzie- http://youtube.com/watch?v=-0_36mXx-mw I usually pretend I like it and then make an exchange later! This girl just got a car and she freaking out! I would love it no matter what the color is!!
What an ungrateful bitch! She'll probably wreck it on purpose so she can get a blue one.
Anyways, by chance I receive something I don't like I pretend I do. For clothes, I just say it didn't fit. I've done that since I was like 8. I got these black shoes with a bow on them and I thought I was way too old for bows so I said they were too tight!
For clothes, I just say it didn't fit. I've done that since I was like 8. I got these black shoes with a bow on them and I thought I was way too old for bows so I said they were too tight!
I totally work this angle with clothes and shoes, too. As for other stuff, I will attempt to secretly exchange it or get a refund if I can figure out where it came from (and when I know the giver won't ask me about it later!). But, of course, for the first moment after the wrapping paper comes off, it's "I looooove it!" and it's "just want I wanted!"
In my family if their is a gift receipt for an item, it's taped inside the box lid. So, if I get something I don't like and their is no receipt taped in there "I love it" and live with it (unless it's clothes and it "doesn't fit" and of course, when I exchange it, "they didn't have another one in my size".
I would never admit that I didn't like something and then return it, nor would I ask for the receipt. I figure it's a present and they chose it for me and thought I'd like it. So, if there is any chance of my hurting their feelings, I just accept it. I'd rather not hurt someones feelings over something so trivial.
I would never admit that I didn't like something and then return it, nor would I ask for the receipt. I figure it's a present and they chose it for me and thought I'd like it. So, if there is any chance of my hurting their feelings, I just accept it. I'd rather not hurt someones feelings over something so trivial.
This is 100% me. I usually really do love presents purely for the fact of the thought that goes into picking it out for me. There are things I normally wouldn't buy for myself that have meaning for me because of the reason it was purchased for me then they become my favorites, ya know???
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I always say thank you & follow it with a positive comment about the gift that is true - like the color is beautiful or something like that. If it's a multiple gift I focus on the thing I like the most.
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
Vanessa wrote: I always say thank you & follow it with a positive comment about the gift that is true - like the color is beautiful or something like that. If it's a multiple gift I focus on the thing I like the most.
Yes, this is a good approach. I think that the hardest is when you already have the gift (and possibly love it) -- it's hard to do a good cover-up then for me.
well, if you're my 6 year old niece, you throw the package to the side, put your hands on your hip and say "Grandma! Don't you know Dora the Explorer is for babies?"
and yes, her mother DIDN'T correct her or do anything to acknowledge the fact that her daughter just acted like a royal brat in front of 30 some friends and family members.
however, if I receive a present I don't care for- I smile and say thanks graciously and I always pick out a feature I truly do like about it (kind of like how Vanessa explained previously).
haha! Love how little kids respond! I agree, I dont ever want to make anyone feel bad! Obviously MacKenzie doesnt mind. LOL! I just watched the clip again and it really makes me laugh! I love it when the mom storms off and is like, "you deal with her!"
OMG, she put up another one! she is asking who wants the car? I will take it for sure! What do you think she will do with it?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbPvE7miKpY