Hey girls, I am posting here becuase it gets alot of traffic.
Ok so here's the question -
I had a customer today ask me to be her wardrobe consultant and come to her house and clean out her closet and tell her what works for her. She asked me what I charge, and I told her I have never done that before and I would have to research it.
So , help me because I have no idea !
Should I charge by the hour, should I have a set fee - and if so how much???
Yay! That will be fun. Here are a few things I found online:
Free Services of Wardrobe Consultant at your office or home with your purchase/order.
$100.00 Service Charge per call/visit at your office or home without your purchase.
$250.00 Fee for a complete Wardrobe Analysis at your office or home. $250.00 Fee waived on orders of $1500.00 or more.
$500.00 Fee for a complete Wardrobe Analysis with an arrangement of your Wardrobe to match your shirts and your accessories at your home. $500.00 Fee waived on orders of $3000.00 or more.
$100.00 / Hour Fee for working as your Personal Clothier / Shopper / Advisor / Wardrobe Consultant on your assignment.
So maybe you could set it up so they have to purchase so much or something like that. The location of the above is Virginia for reference.
Here is one in NYC:
Fees: Image consultation, 1 hour: $250 Image consultation, closet and wardrobe review, at your home: $250/hr (3-4 hour minimum) Personal shopping service is fee based, no commission: $250/hr (3 hour minimum) Internet image file: $200/hr (2 hour minimum) 8-hour full day booking plus 1hour of preparation and follow-up discounted rate $1800 ($200 savings). Click here for detail.
Something else I might do is call around to some other boutiques as a potential customer and inquire on what they charge. HTH!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
this is one of the things my company does! My boss charges $250 an hour for consultation. PM me if you want me to ask her more details, or if you want our web site.
sephorablue wrote: this is one of the things my company does! My boss charges $250 an hour for consultation. PM me if you want me to ask her more details, or if you want our web site.