About a week and a half ago, I bought something off of Ebay. About two weeks ago, I ordered a T-shirt online for my BF's xmas present.
I have been in my hometown the past couple days and just arrived back to my apartment about a half hour ago.
Well when I got back to my apt tonight, there was a box sitting in front of my apt door. That is abnormal because the mailman usually doesn't leave a package that's too big for the mailbox. He leaves a note in your mailbox saying to come pick it up at the post office. That's also really weird because the mailman can't get past the mail room without an apartment key. Also, there was a piece of paper on the steps by my door (I live in the first floor, so I don't walk up the steps for anything.) I picked up the piece of paper to throw it away, but when I looked at it I saw that it was my UPS slip that says they came today to try and deliver my package, but I wasn't home, etc. That's weird because the UPS man can't get past the mailroom either, and he always just leaves the sticky note on my mailbox. It wasn't like someone took it off my mailbox and stuck it to my door, either, because it was up on the steps nowhere near my door.
So just now I went to go open the package. But the box has already been open! There's packing tape down every side of the box, and it's all been cut and the box has been opened! The thing I ordered is still inside the box, though.
I am so creeped out. All I can figure is that for some unknown reason the mailman left my package outside of my mailbox, someone stole it and opened it, decided they didn't want it, and "returned" it to my door. I have no idea why anyone would move my UPS slip especially, they couldn't get anything from it. I can't exactly explain why, but this really scares me, too. It's just so weird and I'm so angry...
ETA: keep in mind, this happened while I was out of town for a few days. Which means this box could've just been sitting in front of my door for 2 or 3 days now!
-- Edited by ttara123 at 19:47, 2006-12-08
-- Edited by ttara123 at 19:51, 2006-12-08
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
you know i had a weird ups experience today as well. I had 6 boxes at the apt front office from this past week (no stickeys notifying me either ) but as I'm carrying them from the car to the apt I see that UPS has left a box in front of my door. They never do that!! It made me so mad because what if I hadn't been home all weekend? Someone else surely would have stolen it. Also the office was open when they dumped it off because I saw the guy leave the complex when I was driving up to the office to pick up my stuff.
This has happened to me when the ups man delivered the package to the wrong address. I guess the person did not realize it was not theirs until they opened it. When they saw it wasnt theirs they checked the address and left it on my porch. We live on numbered streets so the ups guy leaves those notes a my house all of the time for the lady who has my address one street over. Just a possible explaination.
You can always call ups and find out how they delivered it, ie left it on doorstep, with neighbor, or who's signature they have. If you want to play detective. I totally would, I need answers.
You can always call ups and find out how they delivered it, ie left it on doorstep, with neighbor, or who's signature they have. If you want to play detective. I totally would, I need answers.
Ahh, I was afraid that what I said was confusing, because USPS and UPS are almost the same...
The package that was left by my door and was already open was from USPS. The slip of paper about the second package was from UPS, but I thought that was weird to be on the steps and not at my mailbox, especially when such a weird thing was going on with my box from USPS. So I can't really call them, even tracking numbers don't do any good at USPS, I learned the hard way...
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
You can always call ups and find out how they delivered it, ie left it on doorstep, with neighbor, or who's signature they have. If you want to play detective. I totally would, I need answers.
Ahh, I was afraid that what I said was confusing, because USPS and UPS are almost the same...
The package that was left by my door and was already open was from USPS. The slip of paper about the second package was from UPS, but I thought that was weird to be on the steps and not at my mailbox, especially when such a weird thing was going on with my box from USPS. So I can't really call them, even tracking numbers don't do any good at USPS, I learned the hard way...
When I lived in an apt I know that sometimes I had different UPS drivers, one would leave sticky's on my door and the other would just leave my package at the front office, without any notice (grrr)....maybe it was a different UPS driver who put the slip on your door and the USPS man delivered the package to the wrong apartment? I would ask some of your neighbors..
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
I get a mix. You need a key to get into our building, so stickies usually just get stuck on the lobby door. But if soemone happened to be going in/out at the time the delivery person (ups or usps) is there, they'll usually come up and leave it by the apt. door. Maybe someone let them in?
you know i had a weird ups experience today as well. I had 6 boxes at the apt front office from this past week (no stickeys notifying me either ) but as I'm carrying them from the car to the apt I see that UPS has left a box in front of my door. They never do that!! It made me so mad because what if I hadn't been home all weekend? Someone else surely would have stolen it. Also the office was open when they dumped it off because I saw the guy leave the complex when I was driving up to the office to pick up my stuff.
DH and I always order online stuff instead of going to the store (ex. toilet paper, kleenex, dishwashing detergent, laundry soap, etc.)
UPS always leaves all the boxes on our front stoop and we are almost never home to get it (they deliver on Fridays and we go out of town all the time on weekends). We've never had a problem with anyone taking it, so I wouldn't worry too much (although I know it is possible). This has been happening for at least 2 years too!!
And we live in a duplex now but when we were in our apartment it was fine too .
I know there could be a good explanation - say, the USPS man found our front door propped open and figured he'd leave it by my door, whatever. I'd think that was weird but I wouldn't be shaken up about that. It's just that the box had already been opened that concerns me! I feel like the combination of the box having been open, and sitting by my door instead of in the mailroom, makes it a real possibility that someone stole it, decided they didn't want it, and put it in front of my door!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123