I am doing really good! I am 14 weeks and finally getting past the point where I feel tired all the time (although I still enjoy a good nap ). I also think nesting is starting to kick in cause I am going thru stuff and getting rid of things left and right. Our next ultrasound is in January, that's when we find out the sex, so I'm excited that is getting closer cause then I can start on the nursery. I already have prepared hubby for the shopping spree that will happen then Anyway, in a nutshell, all is well and we are super excited! Thanks for asking!
Oh, and Ayo is next. She is 38 weeks (she just posted an update on Mamastyle).
doing good here. I'm in the last stretch....and starting to feel it. I'm getting to the point where I just can't get comfortable. Apparently I've started snoring horribly keeping DH up and waking myself up from time to time. It will all be well worth it though as long as I can make it through the last little bit lol
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I've got about 10 weeks left. I've had the best pregnancy so far with no sickness and little fatigue but it's starting to hit me in these last few weeks. I've been retaining a lot of water so my swelling has been bad, I'm also experiencing lots of backaches which totally suck! My iron is low right now so I'm on medication for that, which makes me really tired. But I'm not complaining, though it sounds that way. I've been blessed with a great pregnancy and once the little one arrives these issues won't matter at all. I've begun my 2 week visits with the Dr. which really makes time fly by. Starting to get a little nervous but more anxious then anything!!
I think I'm up next although I'm not sure when Luckyclover is due...
I've got exactly 10 days till my due date..
I'm doing well energy wise...I was telling the girls over at Mamastyle that I even went salsa dancing last week, it was fun! ....although I'll admit I had an alterior motive...I was hoping to dance little missy's butt right on OUT
She didn't budge one bit.. and all my joints decided to collectively protest against my antics the following morning..talk about being sore.