Can you get in trouble for griping someone out via email if no transaction has occurred between me and the other user?
My rant:
I have a bag for sale of ebay. It is a fixed price or best offer listing. The bag is new with tags and retailed for $348. I have had the following offers...$9, $90, $10.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! With the $9 offer, I declined it with a message asking if perhaps they mistyped their offer. I want to email the $10 offeror and just let them have it...but perhaps I should restrain myself.
I just needed to vent a little on here before I ended up saying something via email that might be inappropriate.
everybody's out to get a deal on ebay and there's people out there that sell antique half carat diamond rings for $25, and $5,000 diamond earrings for $200 (speaking from experience.) they have nothing to lose by offering you a low price, so why not? just decline it and don't acknowledge...
-- Edited by D at 13:10, 2006-12-06
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I wouldn't think too hard about it. They might be stupid if your fixed price was something like $300 and they offered you $9, but I don't think they were being rude... Ebay is about deals. I've offered some pretty ridiculously low prices, and most of the time they're not taken but every once in a while they are, because I guess people are just desperate to get rid of their junk. So I usually offer low prices, just in case. If they dont' know the original price of the bag, they might not understand that their offer is silly.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123