I am applying for this awesome administrative residency program at the Children's Hospital at Stanford. I just had a couple questions about the area for anybody who is familiar with the region. What is the housing like? I have not a clue what this residency program pays...but have plans to call this week to find out (I'm doubting they would tell me though). What can I expect to pay for a one Br or studio in Palo Alto or would it even be feasible to live in San Jose? Has anybody heard anything of the hospital either? Good, bad...? I have no clue about the area at all and am just really looking for any information or advice.
The program is only a year long. It's sorta like a fellowship type thing where I will be mentored directly by the CEO and the ExecDir of Leardership Development at the Children's Hospital. I would attend all types of meetings and work on projects as well as design and complete my own project. So...I'm pysched because the program looks amazing on paper but I just don't know anything about the area. Hell, I don't even know where Palo Alto is other than its north of San Jose and south of San Francisco.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Palo Alto is a more upscale are so if you plan to live there it will be more expensive. San Jose would be a bit of a commute, probably a little cheaper but I dont know if it would be worth it to you. My neighbor commutes to stanford hospital and says it is not too bad, I would expect at least an hour on the road. There are tons of other surrounding areas that would be closer. SunnyVale, Mountian View, and Redwood city are all nice and a bit closer. My advice is to check out craigslist to get an idea of pricing. I would stay away from East Palo Alto, it is not very safe.
Where are you living now? If you are not in CA or NY already there could be some sticker shock when looking at apartments.
Buy for a studio or 1 bedroom probably at least 700 in the lower end areas and around 1100 in nicer areas. Let me know if you have any questions.
Good luck stanford CH is awesome I know you would love it.
I don't know exactly what the rents are, but my brother and his wife live in Palo Alto and I hear from them that it's an expensive area. Beautiful and has great shopping, but it's pricey. Actually, my bro is in a grad program at Stanford right now so he may be a good source of informationf or you. If you want, I can ask them for advice on areas to look and also about the hospital -- feel free to PM me. :)
I actually am employed by Stanford and I live in Palo Alto and have grown up here my entire life.
Palo Alto is very upscale, trendy, posh, etc. Housing is expensive. I'd say a one bedroom is about $1200 + (depeding on where exactly and what you want).
If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM.
Thanks ladies for the rental housing answers. Yeah, it's a ton more than I'm paying now for rent but I figured it would be bad. I did take a look through Craig's List and while the rent seems so high...the area is so pretty. I think that I'm gonna go ahead and apply for the residency and see what happens after that. If I do get the position, then I will simply find a way to make it work.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
i'd recommend trying to live north of where you need to be so if you go on the freeway you're at least going south. Traffic going North in the mornings is b-r-u-t-a-l!!!