So I just got my back brakes fixed and they charged me $883. It took them about 1 1/2 -2 hrs and they charged me $277.02 for labor. That ends up being $138 an hour. WTF?????
Then they put a headlight in (without asking me if I want it done) and then they charged me $32 for that. I went off on them and told them they didn't ask me if I wanted it done. I told them that a headlight costs about $7 - $10 at the store I can do that myself.
Grr..I just feel so angry. I wish I had more knowledge about cars before going to the mechanic.
did they give you a refund for the headlight? I'd pitch a fit!
That sucks... did they give you an estimate or anything beforehand?
This is why I'm glad my dad has an auto salvage... I never even know what's wrong with my car, I just bring it to him and pick it up as good as new a while later. Otherwise I'd be completely lost and being taken advantage of (which I think is what they did to you!)
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I live in the midwest, but replacing the rotors (?) on my back brakes cost $210, from a private repair shop. I've found that chain repair shops are HORRIBLE if I go in as a single woman. They tried to charge me $30 to replace a lightbulb too (they said it was "labor") and I got a $525 estimate on the same brake job before I found this better guy. My tricks for not getting ripped off are 1) Get an estimate first, and make them break it down, THIS much for parts, THIS much for labor. 2) Call a parts shop and find out how much the parts really are 3) Call around and get estimates on the labor. 4) Go back to the original store and act like they must have given you the wrong quote "by mistake." (blame it on the computer). 5) Whatever they tell you, and this is REALLY important, say, "I probably shouldn't do anything until I talk to my Dad." It's sick, but this REALLY makes them shape up fast.
just wanted you to know- i had to take my car into the shop (twice) this week. i have a foreign/import German (but really English) car and their labor costs are $101 an hour- so if Midas is charging $138 they should be working on solely maseratis or aston martins for that rate.
i would call and ask if they mischarged you. to me, it sounds like they did.
oh- and if you can conference in a male with you- i would.