one of my friends, C, recently broke up with his longtime girlfriend. i used to work with him, and met her through him, obviously. they're both my "friends" on myspace. i never really spent any time with her apart from him, but i really do like her. he's having a hard time with the separation, and just asked me to take her off my friends list so that he can't have me check up on her (he already removed her from his). thing is, i don't want to! i like the girl and actually sent her a message after the breakup saying i hoped she was okay, etc. she wrote back and was really sweet, but then it seemed like she was trying to "win" me - let's go out, blah blah blah. i told her i couldn't do that to C, not yet anyway...she wrote back and i never responded.
as i'm typing this C just im'd me and was actually kind of begging. guess i'll take her off...ugh. i don't want to be a bitch to either of them, but i guess either way one of them will be unhappy.
i needed to vent, it's so stupid.
btw, what would you do?
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I wouldn't remove her. If you like her keep her. I would just keep what she does to yourself and not mention her or what she's up to around him. That is the mistake my ex made. I removed him (he removed me too) but he kept my friends and bugged the hell out of them trying to find out how I was and what I was up to. It drove everyone up the wall.
Just wanted to add. The reason he probably wants you to remove her is so that he doesn't have a quick way to check up on her himself. He could get to her page through your friends list so maybe that is why he's begging. I would just ignore him.
yea, i find deleting friends incredibly rude and only reserved for someone who deserves it. An adult breakup between your friends is NOT that reason. Tell your friend you are first and foremost HIS friend and your loyalties remain with him, but that he needs to get over the myspace thing.