So I have to design a logo for my senior thesis project. Mine is Brooklyn Business Design Initiative, a small business incubator for start-up designers. My concept for the project is confluence--the coming together of disparate parts--the idea is that BDBI represents the confluence of design, business, and technology and that all of these components strengthen and reinforce each other. My initial idea for the logo was a triangle shape, because it is a strong, stable, but dynamic shape with three sides and three angles, etc. So here are some of my initial ideas for the logo, but nothing is really grabbing me. Suggestions? Ideas for how to develop one of them? Help! I'm not a graphic designer!
I'm totally unqualified to give an opinion, but I find the grey and orange particularly striking! I really like them all and am very impressed that you thought of such cool shapes!
well, for what it's worth, I think you've done a great job.
I like this - it has good balance, and orange with blues or grays is very "current"
I like this one, but I'm feeling as though the triangle needs to shift to the left so that the lower most point of the triangle is justified to the left margin of the text:
this I like, but I feel as though some of the tension created between the triangle and gray field is lost by having the triangle go off the page - I'd like to see this one where the lowest point of the triangle is to the lower left of the "I"
again, your concept is solid - I like it and I like the direction you're going with it.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I am in marketing, my opinion is probably going to stem from my experience in that.
I like this one:
and this one:
These could be easily reproduced on a number of marketing collateral, advertisements, etc.
The ones w/ the orange and red design at the bottom are nice but take up a rather large area. Also, the image seems somehow disconnected from the text - and my eye went to the image first and skipped over the text.
are you going for a logo or for a cover design? - for some reason I was interpreting a cover design, but I went back and read your post again and see it is for a logo.
I totally see this as a logo, but it would need to be treated as art, like in on the top of letterhead or one side of a business card, and not modified in its composition for other applications.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
But, if it's a logo they are going to use - then I still think the triange is a bit too big in proportion w/ the text. Also, you should think about how it will look reversed out - or is it meant to be in a gray box?
One thing to think about is the scalability (is that a word? looks weird). Would it look OK really small on a business card and really big on a billboard?
Kitty, it's not a project for an actual company--the company is one I made up. But in terms of where the logo would be used, it would mostly be on documents that I produce for the project--my thesis research book which I am handing in in a few weeks, and then the design presentation boards I'll create next semester. So it will appear in some form on each two-page spread of the thesis book (what is the word for that? folio? I don't know...) and then on each presentation board--essentially it's my logo for my project more than it really is the company's logo. Does that make any sense? Here's an example of an old presentation board:
I cropped the logo and title out of the picture in this case but the logo would go in the bottom left or top left or something like that, to help create a consistent visual look throughout the presentation. And the same idea, but on a smaller scale, for the thesis document.
i'm a little late on this but i do have some thoughts for you. i think you have a GREAT start and i'm sure your project grade is going to depend more on the quality of your interior design ideas than your graphic design work, but here's what i would do if i were your art director and you came to me with this logo :)
you've got a great concept for the logo and that's truly important in solving the design. first thing i would do is take away the grey box/background. i think it looks really heavy and dark and might be limiting if you needed to later apply it to other materials. second, it looks like you want to emphasize the initials of the company name (BDBI) so i would suggest reworking the typography a bit and finesse it with a beefier typeface.
here's my really-quick-would-need-some-fine-tuning-2 minute rework of your ideas:
thanks hotcocoa! I can't see the first pic but I really like what you did with the second--mind if I incorporate your input into my final solution for it?
sephorablue wrote: thanks hotcocoa! I can't see the first pic but I really like what you did with the second--mind if I incorporate your input into my final solution for it?
here i'll try and post the first one again. it was the same idea, just with another version of what you had created. yes, please go ahead and incorporate — these were just ideas for you to borrow and make your own anyway.
thanks hotcocoa! I can't see the first pic but I really like what you did with the second--mind if I incorporate your input into my final solution for it?
here i'll try and post the first one again. it was the same idea, just with another version of what you had created. yes, please go ahead and incorporate — these were just ideas for you to borrow and make your own anyway.
good luck with your senior thesis!
it's still not showing up
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase