Does anyone know anything about buying these? The boy was in love with one of those box/console things they were selling at the mall that had all the old school games in it (a plug and play thing) but I convinced him not to buy it. Mainly because I was thinking of buying it for him for xmas, but now I can't find it anywhere! I don't remember the name of it or any of the details except that it was a thing you plug into your tv and had a lot of old atari and nintendo games loaded on it to play.
Any thoughts/ideas on where to find something like this? I suppose I could always ebay old systems but I'd rather get an all-in-one unit.
check target, walmart, and sometimes sears/jcpennys/foleys. They vary by store which ones they have. I would assume amazon would carry them too. I forget their official name but it shouldn't be too hard to find.
i recommend finding a dreamcast. there's a rom for a nintendo disc out there (with every regular nes game ever made!) and it's great. you can pm me if you are unable to get a copy of the rom...
I bought DH's (atari Flashback) box last year at Target. I think it was $40. He opened it on Christmas day and we spent most of the day playing those games, and waxing nostalgic. :)
-- Edited by atlgirl at 11:24, 2006-11-19
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
erin wrote: i recommend finding a dreamcast. there's a rom for a nintendo disc out there (with every regular nes game ever made!) and it's great. you can pm me if you are unable to get a copy of the rom...
I think I'm going to go this route. I remember doing this once upon a day but I think it got lost with some ex or something. But I have a friend who has one and said he would help me find a new one. Yay! Oh and he said the roms also cover all the Atari games as well. I hope the gift goes over well!
I saw a truly old school Atari at Target in the electronics dept by the video games. Same box and joystick and everything. I don't remember which games were on it, but it had a few.
I know exactly the game thingy you're talking about. You're not missing out on anything by not being able to find it. We've bought 2 of them, and they both broke after a couple of uses.
Something else you can look at is the little games in the toy sections that look like joysticks on a base. They come with many different games on each one. Probably only about $17.
I saw the Atari at Hastings last weekend. I have the plug in play for Pac-Man, and I have one complaint. It's hard to play because you have to hold it while playing it. If there was some way to mount it to a table it would be easier to play.
You could probably download an Atari or Nintendo emulator for your PC. I can't search for it from work due to firewall, but in law school I had a Nintendo emulator call NESticle that played roms of all my favorite old Nintendo games. I don't know if NESticle is still around, but there might be a newer, better emulator. There's probably an Atari one too. My husband used to have an old Mac emulator on his PC so he could play old Mac games.