I've wanted a pet for years, but haven't gotten one due to working, school, etc. I was talking with hubby about possibly adopting a pair of guinea pigs from the local Humane Society. He's okay with it, but there is one hang up. We live in an apartment, and the only place we could put a cage that wasn't inhumanely small is in a corner in our living room.
Our living room isn't formal, it's where the TV and our bookcases are. But, the cage would be visible, as it would be near the TV. It would also be visible from the entry way. But it wouldn't be visible from the dining area or the kitchen. The size of the cage would probably be 28 inches long by 35 inches wide by 28 inches high, and would be on a stand about 1 foot off the ground.
We don't plan on living in our apartment forever, we want to buy a house, so when we move, the critters would be in an office or second bedroom. However, it might be another year before we buy a house.
So, should I put a cage of rodents in my living room? TIA!
I have a guinea pig and it is the sweetest animal I've ever had. They are really fun because they talk to you - purr when you pet them, squeel when they're happy, cry when they're sad.
Mine is really cute and gets so excited to see me. he jumps up and down when I walk through the door after work each day and when I first get up in the morning.
They are super gentle and sweet..mine lets me give him baths, cut his nails, etc.
They make awesome pets!
ETA: I have a huge cage for mine in the living room. He really likes to interact w/ me and my boyfriend. I don't personally mind it. It's tucked away in the corner. Plus, anyone that comes over falls in love with him anyway...
How sweet! I never knew that guinea pigs were so interactive! My brother kept one for his class in middle school for a week and all I remember is that it smelled awful.
I think as long as you can keep the cage clean, go for it!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
oh my gosh! I wish I knew guinea pigs were like that! I thought a long time about any way to have a cuddly animal in my no-dogs apartment, but I didn't know that about guinea pigs so I passed over them. Now I'm almost out so there's no sense in getting it!
-- Edited by ttara123 at 12:02, 2006-11-17
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Kitty wrote: I have a guinea pig and it is the sweetest animal I've ever had. They are really fun because they talk to you - purr when you pet them, squeel when they're happy, cry when they're sad.
Mine is really cute and gets so excited to see me. he jumps up and down when I walk through the door after work each day and when I first get up in the morning.
They are super gentle and sweet..mine lets me give him baths, cut his nails, etc.
They make awesome pets!
ETA: I have a huge cage for mine in the living room. He really likes to interact w/ me and my boyfriend. I don't personally mind it. It's tucked away in the corner. Plus, anyone that comes over falls in love with him anyway...
-- Edited by Kitty at 11:32, 2006-11-17
awww! I am soooo longing for a pet(s). I am going to seriously look into this. are there different breeds, and if so, what breed do you have? as far as keeping a cage in the LR - it' can always be moved out of the room if guests are over. I thought about a bird too, but that's much more involved and I'd need a huuuuge cage (which cannot be so easily moved)
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I have rodents in my living room - my general thought on guests is that if they don't like my pets they can leave. I find them endlessly fascinating (hamsters & gerbils) - I don't have guinea pigs but they are adorable. I didn't know they were so interactive either - my rodents are too - you can tell they are happy to see you. I just think they are low maintenance pets & a lot of fun. We are big fans of toys that don't require batteries though.
Kitty - yours is so cute - what is it's name?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
My bf's little sister has one and it isn't nearly as interactive Kitty's. It smells terrible (even with a clean cage) and I basically feel like everyone will be happy when it finally dies. I know that sounds terrible, but thats another perspective on it.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
HeatherLynn wrote: My bf's little sister has one and it isn't nearly as interactive Kitty's. It smells terrible (even with a clean cage) and I basically feel like everyone will be happy when it finally dies. I know that sounds terrible, but thats another perspective on it.
Why doesn't she try to give it to someone who will give it some more attention? That sounds awful.
My bf's little sister has one and it isn't nearly as interactive Kitty's. It smells terrible (even with a clean cage) and I basically feel like everyone will be happy when it finally dies. I know that sounds terrible, but thats another perspective on it.
Why doesn't she try to give it to someone who will give it some more attention? That sounds awful.
Haha ya after reading that it does sound terrible, but it really isn't. She likes them it's everyone else who doesn't.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
My bf's little sister has one and it isn't nearly as interactive Kitty's. It smells terrible (even with a clean cage) and I basically feel like everyone will be happy when it finally dies. I know that sounds terrible, but thats another perspective on it.
Why doesn't she try to give it to someone who will give it some more attention? That sounds awful.
Haha ya after reading that it does sound terrible, but it really isn't. She likes them it's everyone else who doesn't.
OK, good! lol..I seriously got depressed from that. Glad to hear she gives them attention!
I think so, as long as you're willing to put all of the time/effort into it. I had a guinea pig when I was little. It was adorable! I don't think they live that long, so make sure you're prepared for that too. And a big YAY to you for adopting!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I think you should. They have great personalities. My brother likes rodents (guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils) and I am always amazed at their little attitudes. So cute! He had a chinchilla that would pout and give him the silent treatment after he came back from trips. My brother makes sure his home is secure and basically gives them free reign of the place while he is home. His house if very clean and never smells bad.
Bastet - I think you should get one because they sound like fun...I've just fallen in love with having pets in the last year since I got my kittens...so I'm very pro pet now
i had a guiney pig named cuddles when i was a kid. not smelly, very cute and sweet for a rodent. but he some times kept me awake at night squeeling... that was the only bad part about cuddles. RIP little guy :)
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
I don't particularly like guinea pigs but I am all for having pets. I never knew they were so interactive though. My little sister had a couple but that was after I moved away from home so I never got a chance to interact with them. I do know that they are a lot of work--you have to clean the cages and give them baths, like Kitty said. I think if you are adamant about cleaning the cage, it is fine to keep it in the living room.