I have my first jury trial tomorrow (6 felonies!) and I'm freaking out. I have a couple of things to do tonight but I'm afraid to do them because I'm afraid to say I'm ready. Holy nerves batman!
I'm breathing, I'm breathing...
Any words of advice on how to stay calm when all I really want to do is hide?
You will be great tho! Maybe have a cup of tea (or a glass of wine or whatever) and take a bath or do some fun reading for a bit before you finish up your work.
Tea or a glass of wine (but only one!!) sounds good. Whatever you do though, don't stay up thinking about tomorrow. You'll do wonderful, I'm sure. Good luck!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I'm a bit late to this thread, but usually when I'm really stressed and worried that I'll have a hard time sleeping, I make lists of things I need to do in the morning so I don't stay awake fretting if I'm going to remember or not.
Anyway, good luck today! You're going to do great!
Good luck today, sweetie! I don't blame you for being nervous - I bet you'll do great. Everyone has to have a "first time" right? I can't wait to hear all about it.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
good luck today!!! just picture them naked. :) im not sure how that helps at all but thats what they always say. i don't think that would work for me though, i have no poker face so if i pictured an old fat man naked i'd probably wrinkle my nose when i looked at him. if you are the same way, that may not be a great idea. let us know how it goes!
Oh man, oh man, oh man. Well my first day is over and my first direct examination and my first objections, etc. are all over. I was damn nervous and I'm pretty sure it showed it was my first attempt, but I got the job done. My co-counsel's advice was to think less (ha! me? think less? craziness.) and to relax more.
I'm working on it by not looking over my notes for tomorrow, thinking maybe I'll wing it a little more so I can get into the flow. (Okay, I'm lying. I'm just waiting until tomorrow morning to go over my notes. It's making me all scary nervous letting them just sit there but I'm trying.)
Anyway, day 1 was the easiest day for me since I have a lot of witnesses to question tomorrow but at least it's over and I got through it somewhat decently.
Thanks for all the good wishes and advice! I just got home an hour ago but I'm already in bed and trying to relax with a bit of ST. I'll let y'all know how it turns out unless it turns out terribly...
Oh! I almost forgot the most important thing. I got lots of compliments on my chocolate brown suit with the pink pinstriped shirt underneath. I WAS ST today, no?